Chapter 14

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Ash walked down the tunnel back to the trainer staging area, a look of determination on his face and also on Pikachu's. They had won their first round against a Mega evolved Pyroar. Ash knew that his team would be able to beat anything that came their way, the just had to trust each other and work hard.

Ash walked over to a bench against the east wall and sat down so he have a small breather before leaving to meet up with his friends and Serena. He put his head back snd closed his eyes for a moment.

"That was a good battle Ash." A voice to his right said. "But I wouldn't expect anything less from you or Pikachu for that matter."

Ash opened his eyes and grinned, looking over at his friend and only one to defeat him at the last Kalos League he attended.

"Well I aim to please Alain, you should know this by now." Ash chuckled. "Besides, you and I have a date in the finals and this time, I'm going to be the winner."

Ash stood up and walked over to Alain. Both of them extended their right hands and shook before pulling the other into a brotherly hug. Upon the completion of the hug, they both stepped back and grinned.

"You just had to enter the Kalos League again didn't you." Alain said, shaking his head as he smiled. "You realize that I'm the only one who can win, I have to battle Diantha and take her crown so I can have some rest from her incessant teasing about me losing to her when I challenged her to a battle. You don't know how hard it is when your partner keeps bringing up how badly you lost a match."

Ash just laughed, that's all he could do honestly. He didn't know the feeling and knew he probably wouldn't have to worry about it either. "We'll just think, when you and Diantha do get married, your kids will have super stare parents to train them from a young age!"

Alain went beet red and tried to hide his face. After failing to hide it with his scarf, he just sighed and shook his head once again before turning back to Ash.

"You know Ash, your kids will have strong parents as well, but one will be a performer if you snd Serena actually manage to be honest with each other. The way I see it, your scared to tell her how you feel and she is as well, but I guess only time will tell. That hug you shared with Serena after your victory was very heartwarming and cute if I say so myself." Alain looked over towards Ash from the corner of his eye to see what reaction he would get.

Ash had forgotten that so many people at home and in the stadium had seen the hug. Upon remembering though, he went such a dark shade of red from embarrassment that he could have passed for a giant Tomato Berry. Seeing how embarrassed Ash was, Alain smiled and walked down the tunnel to his match. "See you on the battlefield Ash! Say hi to Serena for me!" With that, he was gone.

Ash composed himself before he stood up abs started walking towards the exit so he could meet up with everyone who was waiting for him. Ash however didn't know what, or rather who, was waiting for him.

As he exited the stadium, his ears were assaulted by cheering and whistling, screaming and clapping. Standing in front of him with Serena in the middle of them was the group from Alola. Before he could even think, Burnet and Kukui swooped in and pulled him into a big hug.

"Ash! We are so proud of you! You were amazing out there!" Burnet gushed, hugging Ash as though she hadn't seen him in years. "You really are an amazing trainer. You have gotten stronger since the Alolan League."

"I didn't even know you guys were coming!" Ash managed to croak out as the air was being squeezed out of his lungs.

Burnet and Kukui noticed the lack of air being allowed into Ash's lungs and ended the hug. Ash gasped for air for a few moments before turning to the rest of the group.

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