Chapter 19

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Ash had gone to bed before the girls got back from their shopping trip so he didn't see what Serena had purchased.

At the present time though, he was training with his Pokémon as they had been for the last little while. No one was up at the Lab yet, and surprisingly MewTwo had met Ash as he walked to the battlefield.

"You have done this since the tournament started? Just sit and meditate?" MewTwo had asked, slightly sceptical of the answer.

"Yup, that's all we have been doing. Just focussing and concentrating on being stronger and in sync with each other." Ash had replied.

Now that he was seeing Ash and his Pokémon actually just meditating, MewTwo was noticing the strengthening power of Aura until a brilliant light engulfed all of Ash's team. It was so bright MewTwo had to cover his eyes with his hand to protect them.

Once the light died down, MewTwo was speechless. He was baffled by what he saw and he was quite excited as well. He now knew the reason as to why he was drawn to Ash. Why all Pokémon were.

There was less than an hour to go before the battle when Ash, Pikachu and MewTwo walked into the Pokémon centre. They were greeted by the group but Ash didn't see Serena. He became a little concerned.

"Is everything ok with Serena?" He asked Grace.

"Oh yes she's fine. Just finishing up something she started this morning. She will be there to watch you battle, don't you worry Ash." She replied with a smile. "Now, go get yourself ready, you don't have as much time as you think before your next battle."

Ash said goodbye to the group and started heading down to the trainer lounge. Once there, he sat down on the couch and went over the checklist again for tonight. He wanted to make sure he didn't forget anything. Once he was certain he had it all figured out, he turned his attention to the coming battle.

His next opponent was Andrew, another trainer he had never battled before but had proven quite strong in his previous battles. Andrew was a text book battler using straight up tactics. He had actually been lucky to get this far as his Pokémon weren't anything special in power, but they were all final evolutions and from all over the place. Ash knew about three of the Pokémon Andrew had but the other three were unknown for now.

MewTwo looked at Ash and noticed how calm he was. There was no pre-battle jitters or nerves, just calm and relaxed. This at first surprised him but then he thought to all the meditative training Ash and his team had been doing and knew that no matter how heated the battle would get, Ash and his partners would not crack.

"Ash, your up in ten minutes." Called the steward.

Ash looked over and nodded. He stood up and looked at Pikachu and MewTwo. "You guys ready for this? No one is going to know what they are seeing so this will be a very interesting day."

Pikachu sparked his cheeks and made a fist. "Pika! Pikachu!"

MewTwo smiled and nodded. "Let the fun begin."

Ash walked up to the entrance of the tunnel, back in the original one from the previous matches. He knew Serena would be waiting for him, he also knew what he wanted to do. Ash was going to surprise Serena, and everyone watching.

"Ladies and gentleman! Welcome to the first of the two semifinals! The first semi features a trainer that needs no introduction! Alola Champion and the only trainer ever use a MewTwo, Ash Ketchum!"

Ash walked out of the tunnel and waved as he was greeted by a wall of cheering and applause, the crowd in the stands going nuts. He looked over and sure enough, there was Serena.

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