Chapter 22

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The next morning started with a bang for Ash. Pikachu was bored, as Ash was still sleeping from arriving back to the Pokémon Centre so late. Being bored gave Pikachu a slightly evil idea: wake Ash up with an attack.

Pikachu climbed on top of the dresser then jumped onto the top of the door to the bathroom. He grinned as he looked down on his unsuspecting victim.

With a primal roar, or what would pass as one from the tiny mouse Pokémon, he jumped off the top of the door and used Thunderbolt with Iron Tail onto Ash's torso.

The resulting explosion blew Ash out of bed, out the door that was blown open and into the hallway, causing him to slam into the wall on the other side.

"PIKACHU! What the heck was that for?" Ask bellowed, soot and smoke covering him.

Pikachu walked into the hallway and looked a little sheepish, guessing he used to much power.

"Pi...pika pi chu..." The small Pokémon stated, reaching his right hand to scratch the back of his head.

Ash slowly got to his feet and walked back into the room, closing the door as he did. He then proceeded to shower and change into a set of traveling clothes that looked similar to his original Kalos ones but these were black and red with three blue chevrons on each shoulder.

After changing, Ash made his way down to the cafeteria, hoping he wasn't to late for breakfast with everyone else.

The cafeteria was full but over in the left corner was the group of friends and trainers. There were a few more faces there now than before and Ash smiled as he walked over.

Standing next to Gladion were the three other Elite Four members from Alola. Kiawe was the Fire Type Elite Four member. Acerola is the Ghost Type. The last member was a surprise to everyone on Alola. Ash had had to battle a very strong trainer with so much potential in the semi-finals, Guzman, who was the leader of Team Skull. Team Skull was not known to be honourable but after talking with Ash, Guzman accepted the offer and his gang members all decided they wanted to prove they were better than their reputation was at the time.

All four of the Alola Elite were talking with Serena, Dalia and Grace. Guzman had a smile on his face as he told a story where Ash had changed his mind of who he could be.

Ash walked behind Serena and hugged her with his hands on her hips and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek, eliciting a small squeak of surprise.

"Good morning beautiful." He whispered in her ear causing her to blush.

"Good morning handsome." She replied. "Did you have an eventful wake up?" Serena giggled as she asked.

Ash looked surprised as everyone now were chuckling and grinning. They must know what Pikachu did to wake him up. Then it dawned on him, someone must have given Pikachu the idea!

Ash laughed along with the rest of them knowing it was all in fun and what's the point of living if you don't have fun every once in a while?

"It was a shocker that's for sure!" Ash replied making everyone laugh even more.

He turned to Kiawe, Acerola and Guzman. "When did you three arrive? I wasn't expecting you all to be able to make it."

"It was Guzman's idea actually. He decided he wanted to come support you in the finals and we decided to come as well. Besides, the gym's are doing well and the Skull members are helping with the Grand Trials very well right now." Kiawe stated.

Guzman was blushing a little, he wasn't used to being praised yet. He had spent so much time being the bad guy that getting credit for helping with things was still kind foreign to him.

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