Chapter 20

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Greninja waited patiently, watching as Fearow sped towards him.

"Now Greninja! Dodge and use Arial Ace!"

Fearow's Brave Bird missed by a mile as Greninja jumped into the air, pushing himself backwards. With ease his Arial Ace connected, slamming Fearow into the ground. The cloud of debris from the collision was impressive.

Greninja landed in front of Ash, waiting for the cloud to disperse. The crowd was anxious to see the outcome as were Ash and Andrew. Soon the cloud of debris cleared and revealed Fearow passed out in a crater.

"Fearow is unable to battle! Greninja is the winner! Andrew, please bring out your next Pokémon!"

Andrew called back Fearow, thanking him for his hard work. "Ok, let's go Gardivoir!"

Gardivoir appeared on the battlefield and Andrew quickly called out "Mega Punch!"

Gardivoir launched forward, its fist colliding with Greninja. The attack knocked Greninja back a little but not much and it didn't cause as much damage as expected. Gardivoir landed several more attacks before Greninja dodged, throwing off the balance of Gardivoir, making it fall forward.

Ash looked at Greninja. "It's time my friend. Let's show them our full power! Greninja, Aura Blend!"

Much like Ash-Greninja, a column of water shot upwards around Greninja. The column was gold in colour and glowed brightly. After a few moments the column dissipated, revealing a black and blue Greninja with dual water Shurikans on its back made from dark blue hued water. On its hips were two sets of what looked like golden water swords in the form of katanas. Greninja's eyes were blue while it had two blue lightning bolts under its eyes, much like Ash had.

The crowd was stunned. In the stands, Serena was speechless as she had never seen Greninja fully harness its Aura potential. She had seen the beginnings of it but not like this.

"What the heck is that?!" Kukui asked.

"That is Ash's pure, true power with his Pokémon. That is Aura power." Serena said softly. "He is truly an amazing trainer to be able to harness that without training."

Everyone who heard her nodded in agreement. What they were witnessing was beyond anything anyone had seen before.

Back on the field, Andrew was stunned to the point of not being able to command Gardivoir.

"Alright, use Night Sword!" Ash called out.

Greninja surged forward, pulling two of the swords from its side as it ran. They swords glowed golden and shimmered like moving water as they arched their way towards their target. Before anyone could think, more than a dozen hits landed on Gardivoir, the explosions of the hits causing intense winds and gold/blue clouds of smoke.

The smoke cleared to reveal Gardivoir, laying on the ground, with swirls in her eyes. The crowd gasped. They knew Ash's team was strong, but not this strong.

"Gardivoir is unable to battle, the victory goes to Greninja! Andrew, please call out your next Pokémon." The ref said again.

Andrew recalled Gardivoir and thought for a few moments. He seemed to be conflicted and wasn't sure what he should do about the situation. Suddenly, his eyes snapped up to the referee.

"Can we get a check done to make sure he isn't cheating? There is no way his Pokémon are that strong and no one has seen that evolution before!" Andrew called out, making the stadium go dead silent. "I demand his team be looked at for tampering!"

The referee stared at Andrew, shocked at the accusation that was just thrown at Ash. The look of pure hatred on Andrew's face as he looked at Ash was astonishing.

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