Chapter 24

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Alain tossed his first pokéball. "Go Tyranitar!"

Ash tossed his first pokéball as well. "Let's go Lycanroc!"

The two Pokémon appeared onto the field and roared, each trying to intimidate the other but neither standing down.

Ash called out the first attack of the battle. "Lycanroc! Use Stone Edge!"

Lycanroc's paws glowed as he howled beside he slammed them down onto the battlefield causing giant glowing stone obelisks to be thrust out of the ground as the attack sped towards Tyranitar. The attack was so fast that it hit before Alain could call out a counter.

Tyranitar was thrown high into the air on impact with Lycanroc already on the move for his second attack after Ash called out for him to use Acceleroc.

Once again, before Alain could do anything Tyranitar was hit with a strong attack, throwing him backwards into the wall from the power.

The whole stadium was silent. Lycanroc's attacks were so strong that they were dealing massive amounts of damage, far more than anyone expected.

Tyranitar slowly and shakily stood up, grunting as he did. Alain looked very worried.

"Tyranitar! Are you able to go on?" He called out.

Tyranitar walked forward slowly but will purpose. He stopped in front of Alain and looked back, nodding.

"Alright Tyranitar, let's see if we can get you in this. Use Giga Impact!" Alain called out to his partner.

Ash smiled, quickly swapping out for Rockium Z, and called out to Lycanroc. "Alright buddy! Let's wrap this round up! Hit him with another Stone Edge before he can get that Giga Impact off!"

As Tyranitar charged forward, Lycanroc quickly loosed Stone Edge, the glowing pillars of stone quickly raced forward and slammed into Tyranitar full force. The force of the impact caused an explosion that kicked up dust and derbies causing everyone to lose sight of Alain's Pokémon.

Lycanroc stood in front of Ash, the look of determination on its face mirrored his trainers.

As the dust settled, it was evident that Tyranitar was out for the count, swirls visible in its eyes.

"Tyranitar is unable to battle! The battle goes to Lycanroc!" The referee called out causing the stadium to erupt.

Alain called Tyranitar back with a smile. "Thank you my friend, you have it the best you could. I guess Ash is just that much stronger."

Alain looked over to Ash, seeing the signature smile on his face. Alain shook his head in amazement. "Hey Ash! Looks like you and your team is stronger than last time we battled!" He called over to his opponent.

Ash smiled wider and laughed. "Oh you have no idea Alain! Don't forget, your battling a champion after all! Don't think I'm going to go easy on you just because we are friends!"

Alain laughed at what Ash had said. He knew better than to think Ash would go easy on him at all, he just wasn't ready to face the power that Ash's team was already displaying. He knew about Lycanroc, and about the Z Moves but he didn't know what to expect from the Alola Pokémon or moves. Now he knew he was in for a tougher battle than he had ever been in before.

"Alain, please send out your next Pokémon!" The referee called out.

Alain pulled his second pokéball from his belt and tossed it into the air. "Alright Weavile! Let's go!"

The Sharp Claw Pokémon appeared out of its pokéball and took a battle stance, looking at Lycanroc with both curiosity and determination while Lycanroc looked at his new opponent like a toy.

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