Chapter 21

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Ash and Serena were sitting in the hotel room, Grace and Dalia were in the kitchen preparing lunch for the four of them.

Their Pokémon were in little groups enjoying themselves with Pikachu and Sylvion curled up together on a beanbag chair.

"Ash...can I ask you a question?" Serena asked slowly, looking up at him with her head resting on his shoulder.

"Of course you can Serena. What's on your mind?" He replied, gently moving some hair that had fallen into her eyes out of the way.

"Are you scared of what being an Aura Guardian could mean? Of the power it could bring?"

Ash was a little surprised by the question but knew it was something he had been thinking before. When he first saw his team Aura Evolve, he had been shocked and amazed but at the same time he was worried. With power comes great responsibility. Was he ready for that responsibility?

"Honestly, I'm a little scared. Scared that I might use the power I have for the wrong reasons. Scared it might cause others to come after me. I'm terrified someone would come after you." He said quietly.

Serena smiled, knowing that no matter what, as long as Ash was with her they would be ok.

Ash kissed her head softly. "Are you excited for our date tonight?" He asked.

"Mmhm! I can't wait. What time is the reservation at again?"

"It's at 6. And I have plans for after as well. I hope you enjoy tonight."

"Ash, I have no doubt that I will! I will be with you and that's all I have dreamed about for the last few years. Besides, we have the next two days together before the finals. Alain won't be an easy opponent so having time off to rest for both you and your team is good." Serena said smiling.

Before Ash could reply, the mothers came into the living room with sandwiches and drinks for everyone.

"So Ash, what was that form that Greninja took?" Delia asked with a concerned note in her voice as she sat down and handed him his lunch.

Ash looked at the three women looking at him. Serena took his hand and squeezed it, smiling as she did. She knew he was nervous and didn't fully understand it all but she wanted him to know that she was right there with him, supporting him no matter what.

"Well...that was Greninja's Aura Synchronization." Ash said slowly.

Grace and Delia looked shocked and confused. "Aura Synchronization?" They both asked.

"It's an evolution that can only trainers who can use Aura can harness and only after extensive training by the Pokémon and their trainer." Ash said, choosing his words carefully. "The evolution is more powerful than Battle Bond and Mega Evolution. Every Pokémon can Aura Evolve if they are trained by an Aura user, such as myself." Ash finished. He nervously looked at Serena. "Also Serena, I think you might be able to use Aura Synchronization as well...if what MewTwo said is right."

This caused Serena to look at the Legendary Pokémon in shock. "I...I...can use...Aura as well?" She managed to ask.

"I believe that due to your bond with Ash, that yes you will be able to use Aura as your bond becomes stronger." He said. "There is no guarantee but if history is correct in that Sir Aaron's wife was able to use Aura then it only stands to reason that you will be able to as well should your bond become that strong."

This revelation made Grace and Dalia giggle with excitement. They had been hoping since their children were younger that they would end up being together but there was never any promise, until now.

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