Chapter 33

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Note: this is the longest chapter to date. All chapters will feature full battles from here on out so please be patient as they can take some time to write.

Also, this chapter features a Pokémon that was created by someone from Facebook. The Pokémon a was created by Adam Gipson and all rights go to him. It's signature move was developed by him as well.

Hope you enjoy it!

The final stretch of travel to Viperia took the group three days to complete due to a storm that rolled in and forced them to take shelter for a full day. Now they stood on a hill overlooking the city and were somewhat dismayed and awed at the same time at what they saw.

Viperia was surrounded on all sides by swamp with the houses and shops being suspended above murky waters by stilts. The walkways were a mixture of bridges and suspended platforms. A permanent fog seemed to hang under the buildings that gave the whole area a very ominous feeling.

"Well, this looks like a pleasant city." Ash said quietly. "I have a feeling the typing that Nene uses is dark, ghost, or poison so that will make this a very unique challenge." He stated with a hint of concern in his voice.

Serena was a little taken aback by the concern. "Why does that worry you so much Ash?" She asked.

Ash looked at MewTwo and Pikachu before looking back to Serena. "Not all attacks will work against Ghost type while Poison type attacks, even if the Pokémon is a dual type, can leave poison damage that drains the infected until they are healed." He said. "I don't have the best track record against trainers who use those three types."

Serena looked apprehensive but then shook her head a little and put on a smile. "I know you will defeat Nene Ash, you just have to trust your Pokémon." She said.

Serena then proceeded to take his hand and started pulling him down the path towards the gate. "Now come on! The sooner we get the battle done with the sooner we can get to the next City!"

Ash was dragged by Serena last few hundred yards to the Pokémon Centre with Pikachu holding on to his trainers shoulder for dear life. As they entered the centre, Nurse Joy was already standing at the counter with her partner Chansey.

"Welcome to the Viperia Pokemon Centre! You must be Ash and Serena!" She said with the smile that all Nurse Joy's seem to have.

Ash had to catch his breath for a few moments before he could reply. "Huff huff...Hello Nurse Joy! That's us alright!" He said slightly breathlessly. "I take it your cousin told you we were on our way?"

Nurse Joy nodded her head. "That's right! I was told to expect you and to have a room set aside for you for a few nights." She replied. "I also have a message for you to call Professor Kukui as soon as you got in." She said, handing Ash a note with the time Kukui called on it.

Ash looked over to Serena with a slight sense of dread. "Oh ho...I haven't called anyone since we got to Ransie! Kukui and Burnett are going to kill me!!" He whispered with fear lacing his voice.

Serena giggled as she shook her head. "Forget about Burnett and Kukui, what about our mothers Ash?" She asked with smile. "We are both in trouble!"

Ash ran over to the videophones while Serena got the keys to their room. The first number he dialled was his moms. It rang for a minute before getting a busy tone. Ash was puzzled but didn't think much of it.

Serena joined Ash as he dialled her mothers number in Kalos. It rang for all of five seconds before a voice he recognized all to well answered.

"Ashton Ketchum! What is the excuse you have this time for not calling your mother!" Delia demanded as her picture appeared on screen. She looked mad and had her hands on her hips. She turned to look at Serena and her whole demeaned changed. "Serena dear, how are you? Hope your keeping my little boy out of trouble the best you can." She said sweetly.

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