Chapter 32

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"Delphox use Fireblast!" Serena called out to her starter as a bolt of electricity from Zeraora streaked towards her.

The attacks collided but the electric attack managed to keep going through the Fireblast, connecting with Delphox who was thrown backwards and into the wall of the battlefield behind the Pokémon Centre Ash and Serena were staying at.

As the dust and smoke cleared, Delphox was found to be out cold, swirls in her eyes. "Delphox is unable to battle, Zeraora wins!" A local who asked to ref the match called out.

Serena looked at her starter with some sadness in her eyes but she knew Delphox had improved over the last few months and was much stronger. "Return Delphox, you were amazing. Thank you." She said as her starter returned to her pokéball.

She walked over to where Ash was thanking the local. "Thank you sir." He said.

"It was my pleasure Master Ash." The local said. "It was amazing to be able to see you battle in person even if it was just a practice match with Lady Serena. Both of you are well known throughout the province especially with how far you have made it in the Ransai Challenge in such little time. We are all cheering for you."

With that, the man walked away after bowing and saying goodbye. As the crowd that had gathered dispersed, Ash and Serena gathered their bags from where Pikachu was waiting and walked back into the Pokémon centre to get both Delphox and Zeraora healed.

"Hi Nurse Joy, can you please take care of our Pokémon?" Serena asked the pinkette behind the desk.

"Of course! It would be an honour." Nurse Joy replied as she took the pokeballs.

Ash took Serena's hand and led her to a booth where they sat down to wait after getting some tea from the cafeteria. Serena noticed Ash had a strange troubled look in his eyes.

"Ash, what's troubling you?" She asked softly, a slight look of concern on her face. "You have looked troubled for some time now and it all started after defeating Lord Ujiyasu last month. You know you can tell me anything and I will always do what I can to help you."

Ash looked down at the cup of tea in front of him, deep in thought. He had been feeling a little off after defeating the tenth of 18 lords. Ransie was a beautiful place and he was enjoying every minute of his trip with Serena, but she was right, something was troubling him and he couldn't really put a finger on it.

"Honestly I don't know Serena." He started. "I feel that everyone seems to give me so much more credit than I deserve. Yes I have defeated ten of the challenges so far, but we are just barely over half way through. I'm worried I won't live up to the expectations that everyone has for me. Worse, I'm worried I won't live up to your mothers or yours."

He looked up at Serena, her eyes glistening a little with tears that were forming. "I just want to do the best I can but everyone seems to think I have what it takes to defeat all the Lords and be the first to do so in centuries." He stated with a small undertone of hesitation.

He looked down at his tea once again, thinking of how to articulate his next series of thoughts. "I know I'm the Alola Champion, and that I'm not the same trainer I was when I lost the Kalos League previously. I also know that I am far from the best I can be." He took a sip before continuing on.

"Serena, I feel like I am just going to do what I always do. Get so far then fall flat on my face and come up short again." He said as he looked back up at his girlfriend.

Serena had been silently holding back her tears. Tears of happiness to know that he felt safe to confide in her but also tears of sorrow to know that he was struggling again with how he saw himself.

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