Chapter 4

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Somewhere in Kalos, in a small town called Vanaville, a young woman flopped onto her bed after a long flight and what seemed like an even longer car ride home. Her honey blond hair shone in the evening light that filtered through the open window.
"It's so good to be home! You never know how much you miss your bed when your not in it every night!"

The young woman turned her head to look out the window. As she did, her eyes drifted over a wall that had shelves lined with her accomplishments. Ribbons and trophies from Rhyhorn Racing in the past when she was younger, to her Kalos Pokémon Performer ribbons and 1st Place trophy from when she won the Kalos Grand Championship. She didn't become Kalos Queen but she got close. The last thing her eyes landed on was her Tiara that she won in Hoenn when she won the Top Co-ordinator Tournament.

Just past her shelf of trophies and ribbons was her most prized possession however. It was nothing fancy and nothing anyone would expect: it was a simple photograph. The photo was of her and a very special person in her life. His goofy smile and sparkling brown eyes always brought back memories that made her heart race. There was a Pikachu sitting on the young man's shoulder, his eyes gleaming with the smile that was on his face.

"Oh Ash, I hope your doing ok. It's been so long since we last talked."

Her face reddened a little as she thought back to her adventure in Hoenn with Miette and Shawna. The three had been rivals in Kalos and Hoenn while her and Miette had been rivals for Ash's heart in Kalos. All three girls had watched all the Alola Pokémon Tournament, cheering on Ash as they always did. The girls were so happy when Ash made it to the finals and were extremely proud when he won the whole event. The honey blond haired girl had cried because she was so happy for him, whispering that her Ash had finally become the man she knew he could be.

The young woman groaned when she heard her mother calling her, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Serena! Just because your a champion doesn't mean you get to ignore me! I said it's dinner time!"

"Oooh...ok mom! Be down in a minute!"

Serena groaned again as she stood up. She looked at the photo of her and Ash once more.
"I promise Ash, we will find each other again and I will be true to myself and my heart when we do!"

*                    *                    *

Ash was currently sitting in his seat on the flight from Kanto to Kalos with Pikachu beside him snacking on some ketchup packets. Ash was always a little disgusted at how much Pikachu loved ketchup but he didn't want to deprive his partner from the treat.

He mentally went over what his plan was, absentmindedly touching the 5 pokéballs he had on his belt. He had Pikachu's and Lycanroc's along with 3 others he had picked up from Professor Oak before he left Pallet for the airport that morning. There was one member of his team missing but he knew his team would be complete before to long.

"Attention passengers, we are starting to make our final dissent into Lumios City. Please return to your seats and fasten your seat belts. We should be on the ground in about 10 minutes" the pilot said over the intercom.

"This is it buddy!" Ash said to his partner. "It's been a while since we were here last. I hope no one is mad at me for not keeping them updated with how things went in Alola. It will be good to see some of our friends again."

"Pika Pika! Pikachu!"

"You got that right buddy, hopefully no Team Flair repeats."

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