Chapter 16

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***Warning! This chapter might get a little dark for some of you! ***

It's been four days since the start of the Kalos League and Ash has won all three of his matches. His last match was against Sandra and her Mega-Absol where Pikachu dominated and earned the victory. After the match, much like the two before, Ash and Serena hugged at the railing beside the entrance to the tunnel and the crowd loved it, well most did.

One person did not, and he was battling Ash next. Calem was furious that Ash would put his hands on the girl he was supposed to be with. It's what he had been told. "If you become strong, you can have any woman you want. You just have to pick." Those were his fathers words of wisdom.

He had been raised to view women and Pokémon as objects, not as living beings with feelings and desires of their own. He saw Ash as being weak and inferior. Champion or not, Calem was sure he would defeat the Kanto reject and claim Serena for himself. Calem laughed as he just found the word "reject" to be so fun to use.

Ash had only used two Pokémon: Pikachu and Lucario. Calem was confident he could beat them both as well as what ever Pokémon Ash had as his third. Calem was using a very powerful team, one he had never lost with and other trainers were scared to battle.

Calem sat in the trainers tunnel and waited for his time to get what he thought was rightfully his.

Ash on the other hand was thinking about the match as well but in a different manner. He remembered Calem as the arrogant boy who caused Serena to freeze up and become scared. He also knew that Calem had three very powerful Pokémon with him. He had watched how battles, noting the moves and strength of his Mega-Charizard, Salamance and Dragonite. All three were strong but Ash was quietly confident his team would best what ever Calem brought to the battlefield.

This was more than just a battle though. For Ash, it was a lesson to be taught and someone to be put in their place while learning their mistakes. At least he hoped his opponent would learn. If he didn't , then it wouldn't be pretty at all.

Ash had decided to use Pikachu, Lucario and possibly Greninja keeping his three others a secret until later if he needed them.

The last two days, like the days before, he and his team had been training since before sun up and every day Gladion asked him if he was ok.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the first match of the day is about to begin! Trainers, prepare yourselves!" The announcer said, making the wait just a little bit more unbearable.

At last minute Ash and Calem had been swapped for their end of the field, so Ash was on the far side while Serena and his friends were closer to Calem now and Calem would be coming out of his tunnel first.

"Our first trainer in this quarter finals battle hails from Vaniville Town, give it up for Calem!"

Calem ran out of his tunnel amid cheering that was spattered with boos. Calem didn't care about being popular, he just wanted to be the best. He looked up to the stands near the handrail and there she was, the girl who he was going to make his. He jumped up pulled Serena into a hug before she could stop him or move away.

"What the...what are you doing?!" Serena said loudly, trying to push Calem off her.

"Come on beautiful, just give me a kiss. Your going to be mine after I mop the floor with that reject anyway so might as well get used to it!" Calem stated matter of factly.

Before Calem to react, Gladion and Kukui arrived beside Serena and pried his arms off her. Burnet pulled Serena into a protective hug.

"I wouldn't touch her again if I were you boy." Kukui said, looking Calem in the eyes. "Serena clearly doesn't want to be touched by you, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to cause any problems."

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