Chapter 31

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Ash and Serena are on their way from Greenleaf City to Fontaine City, the fourth stop on their trip. Fontaine is ruled by Motochika, a Water type trainer and the second youngest of the warlords who rule the kingdoms of Ransie. Motochika was an energetic ruler who loved seeing his people smile and enjoying life. His favourite thing next to battles was fashion. He would organize a huge three day fashion show every year and entered his own creations that he would later give to trainers who showed they had what it took to take the Ransie Challenges.
It had now been 5 week since they left Aurora and Ash and Serena had made short work of the trip to Ignis where Ash defeated Warlord Hidoyashi, who specialized in Fire Types, with a 3-0 victory over a Flarion, Emboar, and Magmar using Greninja and Lucario.
After they finished up in Ignis, it was a one week trip to Greenleaf where Ash defeated Warlord Motonari and his Grass type team. Ash snuck through with a 3-2 victory after Motonari's Serperior and Venusaur managed to defeat Pikachu and Lucario shocking everyone present at the match.
While in Ignis, Ash and Serena had gone on a painting date, working together to make a painting of Greninja and Delphox by a stream. They had also had lunch in a small quaint restaurant where they were shown how to make fresh bread that can be cooked using coals and a cast iron pot.
Their third date, in Greenleaf, was far more intimate. Ash had decided to be bold and organized a session where they learned some simple massage techniques to assist with relaxation from the long distances walked as well as the stresses of battles.
The young couple were still at least one more full day of travel away from Fontaine City after five days on the road from Greenleaf. They had been making good time as they were trying to get to as many of the cities as they could before they had to go back to Aurora so they could catch a flight to Alola for the Alola Leagues second year where Ash would defend his title should the winner get past his Elite Four.
They are currently resting beside a stream in a field of flowers. The wind is gently blowing out of the east and the sun is right above them. Pikachu is playing with Sylvion while Delphox and Greninja are sitting with their feet in the stream. Charizard and Lucario are off to the side meditating. Ash and Serena are laying down on the grass, Serena using Ash as a pillow as they held hands, watching the clouds drift lazily past.
"This is perfect." Ash sighs. "I never could ask for anything better than this. Relaxing with my girlfriend in a field of flowers watching the clouds."
"Mmhm...this is perfect." Serena sighed. "It's a shame we can't just stay here forever. I know you have the other challenges to get to."
"I'm sure you will love Fontaine Serena." He replied with a smile. "It's apparently very beautiful and everyone has some flair to their clothing adding vibrant pops of colour and design. There is also a region famous designer there who I think you will enjoy seeing. Her work is apparently so stunning that each piece is made specifically for each customer and she never uses the same styles in a row."
Serena sat up quickly with wide eyes and squealed. "Eeee! Oh Ash! Are you really taking me to go shopping?"
Ash laughed as he sat up and pulled her into a hug. "Do you think I would deprive you of such an opportunity?" He asked with mock shock in his voice. "You are on this trip with me and I want you to enjoy to the trip as much as I will. Besides, I have a feeling she will have a few dresses you will fall in love with. Maybe a few for special occasions in the future."
Before Serena could ask what he was talking about, Ash pulled her into a hug then started tickling her. Their laughter echoed around the clearing causing their Pokémon to watch them with smiles on their faces.
"A...Ash! St...stop it!" Serena managed to say between laughter and tickles. "What if...someone is...watching...and doesn't...approve?"
Ash kept on tickling for a few more moments before he stopped, allowing Serena to catch her breath and regain her composure.
"Sorry Serena." Ash said with his signature grin. "I love hearing you laugh so ticking was the best thing to bring that out."
Before Serena could reply, a snarl from the woods to their left broke the peace that permeated the meadow. Everyone snapped their eyes to the tree line while Ash's team rushed to their trainer and took up defensive positions.
The sound of a tree snapping caused Serena to flinch and back up into Ash more while Lucario charged an Aura Sphere.
"Ash...what could it be?" Serena asked with fear in her voice.
"I don't know...but you have nothing to worry about as we will protect you." He said wrapping his arm around her. "Everyone be on guard, we don't know what is in the trees." He said to his team.
A few moments later glowing yellow eyes were seen making their way towards them. As the figure got into a patch of sunlight, it was revealed to be walking on two legs with yellow and black fur. The fur was thinner and black on its lower legs, lower body and upper arms, and face. The fur on the rest of its body was thick and yellow. There were black zigzagging stripes on each thigh and more on each forearm. Tufts of light blue fur adorned its chest with a longer tuft on its forehead. Electricity crackled from its hands as it stopped and looked at the group.
"A..Ash...what is that?" Serena asked with fear in her voice.
Ash was staring at the Pokémon with wide eyes, not believing what he was seeing. "That's Zeraora...but what's its doing here?" He said just loud enough for Serena to hear.
She turned to look at Ash with a questioning glint in her eyes. "Zeraora? I haven't heard of it before."
"Zeraora is a mythical Pokémon. I have seen it before when I was in Fula City." Ash replied. "When I saw him for the first time, Zeraora was not fond of people because of the horrible things they had done to the other Pokémon and it years before."
As Ash was explaining to Serena about Zeraora, Pikachu darted forward to talk to the mythical Pokémon. He stopped about half the distance between the group and Pokémon.
"Pika! Pika pi chu Pikachu!" Pikachu chirped.
"Ora, zera zer ora ra zera zeraora!" Came the reply.
Ash and Serena looked at each other with confusion before Pikachu ran back past his trainer and took a fighting position on the other side of the field. "Pika!" He called out to Ash with his cheeks sparking.
"Oh! No way!" Ash exclaimed.
"What's going on Ash?" Serena asked hesitantly.
"From what I can gather, Zeraora wants to battle me and Pikachu!" He replied with that iconic childlike smile on his face.
Ash raced to the side where Pikachu was waiting while Serena and the others stood off to the side. Zeraora took its spot at the other end of the field. It seemed to tilt its head to either side as if cracking it, grinning all the while.
"I won't go easy on you Zeraora!" Ash called out with a grin. "This is going to be a full tilt battle so don't go easy on us either!"
"Pika pika!" Pikachu stated in agreement as electricity covered his small but powerful body.
Serena watched as the bipedal electric Pokémon charged forward, his first crackling with violent energy as he powered up a Plasma Fist attack.
"Pikachu dodge it and counter with Iron Tail!" Ash called out.
Pikachu jumped up just in time for the crackling fist to pass under him harmlessly before spinning in the air and slamming his glowing silver tail down onto Zeraora's head and stomach. The impact of the second blow sent Zeraora backwards a good distance while dealing a decent amount of damage but nothing major.
"Ok Pikachu, let's go with Quick Attack and Iron Tail combo to keep him off balance!" Ash called out once again.
Pikachu was a blur as he ran circles around his opponent, the occasional grunt being heard as he slammed his iron tail into the legs of Zeraora.
The attack by Pikachu was starting to irk Zeraora. He was getting increasingly displeased that he couldn't hit his smaller opponent. He began building an attack and before Ash could call out, he loosed a massive Discharge that threw Pikachu away from him.
Following up the discharge, Zeraora unleashed a series of devastating Close Combat attacks on the small electric mouse, adding a Plasma Fist for good measure.
Pikachu landed hard in front of Ash. He slowly got to his feet and took another tired yet determined battle stance in front of his trainer and friend.
Pikachu loved to battle, and never liked to lose. He knew he would be in for a challenge against the much bigger Pokémon and he hadn't been challenged like this in a little while so he was pumped and ready to go.
"Pikachu get close again with Quick Attack then try another Iron Tail!" Ash called out.
Just as Pikachu launched forward, Zeraora charged up a very strong looking Wild Charge, slamming into Pikachu. The little electric mouse flew backwards and shammed into a tree, snapping it with the force he hit it with.
"Pikachu!" Ash called out with worry once again lacing his voice. "Are you ok to keep going buddy?"
"Pika!" He chirped with determination, sparking his cheeks as he looked back at Ash.
Ash grinned knowing what his faithful partner was wanting. Pikachu wanted to show Zeraora their true full power. Ash pulled a small yellow Crystal out of his pocket and inserted it into the odd looking wrist band he wore on his left wrist. The Crystal sparked and seemed to change shape.
"Alright buddy!" Ash said with a grin as Pikachu jumped up and took his hat off his head and put it on his own, turning it backwards. "Let's do this Pikachu!"
Ash and Pikachu gave each other a fist bump before Pikachu landed on his feet and started posing with Ash. "Stronger than a thunder bolt, stronger than a million volt Thunderbolt! Pikachu! Use Ten Million Volt Thunderbolt!"
"Pika...pika...PIKA!! Chuuuu!"
The energy and power was released from Pikachu in a multicoloured attack that raced towards Zeraora who was stranding with wide eyes, not sure of what to do.
The attack slammed into Zeraora and caused such an explosion that Pidgey and spearow were spooked from their roosts in the trees.
Serena was shocked and awed at the power that had been unleashed from such a small Pokémon. She knew Pikachu was powerful but she didn't expect an attack that looked like it could flatten a whole city.
"Ash! What was that?" She called out as the dust slowly started to settle.
"That was a Z Move." Ash replied. "It's a Z Move that only Pikachu seems to be able to do as the Crystal changes into the shape of Pikachu's tail. It's called 10 Million Volt Thunderbolt."
Serena was flabbergasted. She knew a little about Z Moves from watching footage of the Alola League from when Ash competed. She had seen the move before also but never expected it to be that powerful in person.
She turned her attention back to where Zeraora had been standing last. She didn't know if the Mythical Pokémon would still be standing or not but what she did know was that Pikachu was exhausted and probably wouldn't last much longer against the Thunderclap Pokémon.
The smoke cleared to reveal a collapsed Zeraora, it's eyes swirls and body unmoving. Ash pulled out a Luxury Ball and tossed it at the fallen Legendary Pokémon, a huge goofy grin on his face. The ball collided with Zeraora and sucked it in, shaking once before the button on the front popped and a ding was heard signalling the capture was a success.
"Alright!" Ash cheered as he jumped into the air with a fist pump. "We did it Pikachu! We captured Zeraora!"
Pikachu also jumped into the air with his trainer with what little energy he had left. "Pika! Pika Pi!" He exclaimed, a grin also gracing his features.
While midair, Pikachu took of Ash's hat and placed it back on his trainers head. He enjoyed wearing it while doing the Z move but that was about it. He preferred to just be himself, especially after he had to be Slurpuff's date when Ash had been Miette's at Pierre's dance party.
Ash walked over to collect the pokéball and thanked Zeraora for the battle before running back to Serena, picking her up and twirling her through the air as they both laughed.
"Ash! I'm so excited for you!" Serena giggled. "You have another amazing Pokémon and it's one that no one will expect! That was a great battle."
Ash blushed a little before kissing her gently. "Thanks Serena. It was a good battle and Zeraora is a strong Pokémon already. With his help my team will just get stronger."
Ash looked around and saw the rest of his Pokémon looking excited. They had gained a new family member and a strong one at that. They knew with his help all of them would get better and that's all they wanted to do. Ash also noticed the sky had started to darken. He didn't think they had battled for that long but maybe he had misjudged the time of day when they stopped.
"I guess we should make camp and start cooking dinner." He said turning back to Serena. "It's later than I thought it was. Besides, you must be hungry right?"
Serena smiled as she started pulling the cooking utensils out of her bag. "I am a little hungry. You must be starving though, you haven't eaten in a few hours!" She said with a mischievous grin.
Ash laughed. It's true he loved food but it came behind two things he loved more, and Serena was his number one. "Alright, let's set up here and I will help cook."
Serena had been blown away when she found out Ash could cook. She had never seen him cook while they journeyed around Kalos before. When he told her Professor Burnet had shown him how to cook and also do other house hold chores, she thought he was an imposter. Over their journey so far, Serena had seen just how grown up he had become in the last little while. He was never wolfing down his food like he used to, he had several change of clothes and washed the dirty ones as often as he could. He also thought about what routs to take, what to visit while in a city and planned his battles a little more than before.
After setting up their tent, Ash got the fire going while Serena fed their Pokémon including Zeraora who was happy to have new friends and took to relaxing with them while Ash and Serena did all the work like it was second nature to him.
Everyone knew that the adventure was only going to get better from here.

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