Chapter 25

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It's been three days since Ash won the Kalos League. In those days he respectfully declined the opportunity to battle to Elite 4 as he didn't want to possibly become the Champion of more than one region. He and Serena had talked at length about the decision and were happy with their plan for the future.

The Alola delegation had left the day after the victory. They were all so happy for Ash, especially Burnett and Kukui. They were so happy that Ash had won. They knew Grace was going to let Ash and Serena travel to a new region but they never let on you anyone else. They also knew that Ash and Serena had been discussing moving to Alola after their trip.

Ash and Serena were currently sitting at the table in Grace's kitchen, helping with dinner preparation while Grace and Delia were enjoying a nice relaxing evening after having gone shopping all day.

"Ash, those carrots are to big!" Serena said looking over at the pile of carrots that Ash was cutting for the stew they wanted to make. "They should be little slices not big chunks!"

Serena shook her head as she giggled with a big smile on her face. "Come on, just because you have a big mouth doesn't mean we all want to eat like you do!"

Ash laughed when he realized she was right. "Well I guess I forgot that it wasn't just you and me eating the stew...sorry!" He said with his hand behind his head. "I will cut them into threes so they are easier to eat."

The laughter and giggling coming from the kitchen had both Grace and Delia smiling as well. They were loving how happy their children were and how easily they worked together.

"Those two are going to be amazing parents. They are on the same page with everything and they make everything seem so effortless!" Grace stated, taking a sip of her tea.

Delia could only nod her head in agreement. They both were seeing and thinking the same things. "They both had great teachers in the parenthood part. Serena takes after you allot Grace." Delia stated simply.

Grace could do nothing but smile. She knew how similar her and Serena were. They both had a strong sense of loyalty as well as a strong personality.

Serena and Ash walked into the living room, having put the stew into the slow cooker. They both smiled as their mothers having fun.

"What do we have here?" Ash asked, a smile gracing his features as he looked at Serena. "I think our mothers are having to much fun together!"

Serena giggled. "I think so as well. Maybe they should do some training and have a battle against you."

This resulted in both mothers gulping and their smiles fading as they quickly imagined how that would go.

Their reaction elicited laughter from their children, exactly what the two teens were wanting.

" should s...s..see the look on your faces!" Ash said, a tear rolling down his cheek from how hard he was laughing.

"Oh my Arceus mother! Your faces are priceless!" Serena stated as she sat down beside her mom.

The teasing got a look of annoyance from Grace while Delia just shook her head and smiled some more, loving how the two young adults were enjoying themselves.

The smiles faded from Delia and Grace though as they looked at Ash and Serena. It was now time to honour Grace's word from before.

"Ash, Serena, it's time for you to listen closely." Grace said.

Both Ash and Serena stopped smiling as they noticed the seriousness on their mothers faces and sat up. Ash was joined by Serena on the love-seat.

"Ash, when you first came here you asked if Serena could go on a journey with you, an adventure." Grace stated, looking at them both. "I told you that if you won the Kalos league I would let her join you and that I had an idea as to where you could go. Now, since you won the league, it's only fair for me to let you know of my decision."

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