Chapter 28

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The sun streamed threw the window in the Pokémon centre room where Ash and Serena were asleep. Pikachu and Sylvion were curled up on the couch while Ash cuddled with Serena, his right arm wrapped around her and holding her close.

This was the first time they had spent a night in the same bed and they had both blushed furiously at first but then it felt second nature to them as they had one of the best sleeps in a long time.

The sunlight landed on Ash's eyes, causing him to grimace with the unwelcomed wake up.

He didn't want to get up as having Serena in his arms was heavenly. He looked at his watch and noticed it was just after 6am. He groaned before slowly and carefully getting up so that he could do some training, wanting to keep on a consistent schedule with his team.

After getting dressed, he woke Pikachu quietly as he walked out the door but not before kissing Serena gently on the forehead.

Walking out of the Pokémon Centre, Ash found a battle field that was surrounded by trees and had a small pond off to the right as he was looking at it.

"Alright team, let's go!" Ash called out as he threw three pokéballs into the air.

Greninja, Lucario, and Charizard emerged from their pokéballs and joined Pikachu in front of their trainer and friend.

"Good to see you guys! We are in the Ransei Region. There is no league..."

Before Ash could finish all four of his team looked at him in shock.

"Charr! Charizard Charr Charr!"

"Let me finish Charizard!" Ash laughed as his long time friend stomped his foot in frustration. "There is no league but there are 17 leaders we need to battle and there is a set order in which to battle them."

This last bit of news caused Charizard to let loose a massive flame causing Lucario and Greninja to grin.

"Now that that is out of the way, let's get some training in. Let's start with a few laps around the field then I will get you all to start on warmups with minor attacks on each other."

For the next hour or so the team trained at an easy pace before Ash called for them to kick it into high gear. Charizard and Lucario were pitted against Pikachu and Greninja. They were causing so much noise that there was an audience forming.

Out of the audience walked Serena, dressed in her robe and her eyes sparkling in the morning sunlight. She walked up to Ash and hugged him from behind, kissing his cheek as she stood on her tip toes.

"Good morning my Champion." She said, placing her head on his shoulder as she continued to hold onto him.

"Good morning to you too beautiful." He chuckled as he kissed her softly. "Sorry if the noise woke you."

"Mmhm, no it's ok. I know you have a routine and you want to keep it that way." She said softly. "Besides, Sylvion woke me up wanting to come watch her love interest train."

"Well maybe I should show everyone his true power then." Ash said with a grin. "Hey Pikachu! It's time to show your true power!" He called out to his faithful starter.

Pikachu ran up to Ash who put his cap on Pikachu's head then they both began posing as they performed the Z move.

"More powerful than 10,000 Volts, more powerful than 1,000,000 Volts!" Ash called out as the Z more powered up. "10 Million Volt Thunderbolt!!"

Pikachu leapt into the air as he unleashed a Thunderbolt with 7 different colours in it. The attack slammed into the targeted area of the battlefield causing a massive explosion to throw dust and smoke high into the air.

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