Chapter 6

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Unknown to Ash, Serena was on her way to the Pokémon Battlefield just a few blocks from her house. She had witnessed an explosion so big it meant that there was a trainer battling who was extremely powerful. To her it meant only one thing: Ash was in town.

"Del! Delphox Fox!" Delphox called out as she followed her trainer and friend.

Serena didn't seem to hear her though and kept running at a pace that was almost impossible to imagine she could keep up for long.

"It's got to be him! There is no other trainer who would be that powerful! Even Alain and Diantha aren't that strong in my eyes." Serena thought as she ran. She was only a few hundred yards away from the battlefield now and could see people walking away with shock on their faces.

"Did you see how fast that battle was over?"

"Yeah! I can't believe someone is that strong! I know his opponent wasn't fully evolved but he was one of the strongest in town."

"Everyone is going to be wanting to battle that guy now. I wonder what other Pokémon he has with him?"

Several trainers walked past Serena as she slowed down to catch her breath. Delfox also caught up to her, giving her a look of concern. Serena saw this and smiled guiltily.

"I'm sorry Delphox, I forgot to tell you what was going on. I think..." Serena looked at her feet for a few moments before looking at her partner again, determination and hope twinkling in her eyes. "I think Ash is here! I don't know how to describe it but I have a feeling it's him...he's come home to me."

Serena now had some tears glistening on her cheeks as she said the last part. Delphox knew how much Ash had meant to her and still did. Serena wore the ribbon he had given her every day since she received it, and it was one of her most prized possessions.

Serena and Delphox turned the corner and stopped in their tracks. The scene in front of them was as if it was from a horror movie, except it was Serena's horror movie. There was Ash, standing surrounded by a group of young women in wide brimmed hats. Their giggles are clearly heard by Serena and Delphox from more than a hundred yards away. Delphox saw Pikachu and how he looked very uneasy around the group of girls. She started running towards the group, causing Serena to call out to her and try to stop her but it was futile.

"Delphox no! Stop!"

"Delphox Del! Del del del fox fox!"

Serena ran after Her partner as the Pokémon started to raise her arms towards the group of women.

Ash saw Delphox and the first thing he noticed was the anger in its face. He pushed the girls away from him as Pikachu jumped onto the ground, his cheeks sparking as he tried to decide if the approaching Pokémon was going to attack Ash or not. Pikachu looked at Delphox closely and then realized he recognized her, calling out to her to stop the attack.

"Pika! Pika pi, chu pika!"

Delphox stopped dead in her tracks when she realized Pikachu had recognized her. Serena ran up to her and made sure she was ok before turning to look at Ash. Her ocean blue eyes met his milk chocolate brown eyes and she froze.

It was almost as if time had stopped for Serena and Ash. No one else mattered in that moment when they laid eyes on each other again. Ash slowly walked towards her, his eyes seeming to see her for the first time. He didn't just look at her, he looked into her. Ash could see the pain from her past, the hope for the future, all in her eyes.

Pikachu smacked Ash in the leg with his tail, causing him to snap out of his stupor.

"Ow! Pikachu, what was that for?" Ash glared at his partner then looked back to Serena.

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