Chapter 8

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Ash sat up in bed. He couldn't sleep as all he could think about was what Serena's mother had said to him a few hours earlier.

*If you want Serena to go with you on a journey, you have to win the Kalos League Championship*

Ash shook his head, trying to clear it but that didn't help at all. He slowly got out of bed and walked towards the door, opening it slowly as not to wake anyone. He made his way out into the back yard, the fresh air was cool against his skin as a wind blew in from the west.

Ash sat down on the grass and just looked up into the sky, trying to organize his thoughts. What Grace had said was the last thing he ever imagined she would say.

"Grace wants me to beat the Kalos league to prove how much I want Serena to travel with me. I know it starts in just a few weeks but am I able to do it?" Ash thought to himself. "I mean, I have five Pokémon with me, I would just need to get a sixth but who would I pick?! Blastoise is strong but he isn't a fighter anymore. Niddoking maybe? Or how about..."

Ash's thoughts were interrupted by the sudden appearance of someone he hadn't seen in a very long time. A Pokémon had jumped off the roof of the house and landed in front of Ash with not even so much as a sound. The Pokémon looked at Ash for a few moments before offering its hand to help him up.

As if in a daze, Ash took the outstretched hand and stood, never taking his eyes off the figure in front of him. He wasn't sure if he was in a dream or not but he did know he was happy beyond words.

"Hey Greninja, been a while hasn't it. You're looking much stronger! Working with Zygard must be lots of work!" Ash said, giving the water Pokémon a hug.

"Gren, gren ja ninja!" Greninja said as he stepped back after the hug. Greninja looked at Ash quizzically, trying to figure out something.

Ash saw this and sat back down with a chuckle, motioning for his old friend to join him. Once settled, Ash looked at Greninja with a grin.

"Well let me start where we left off. Once we parted ways, I went home to Kanto for a little while. Helped mom at home, did some small battles with local trainers. Then one day, mom said we were going to go to the Alola region with Prof Oak. I ended up staying there and went to school. I did the Island Challenges, learned moves called Z moves! They are super powerful! I also entered into the Alolan League, it's first ever year." Ash said, watching for Greninja's reaction. He grinned even more when Greninja's face lit up at hearing he had entered the Alolan League.

"Ninja nin! Gren? Ninja?"

"You know I did buddy! I won the whole thing! You're looking at the Alolan Regional Champion!"

"Ninja!!! Greninja ja!" Greninja exclaimed loudly as he jumped up and threw his fist into the air like Ash used to and still does after a victory. "Gren! Gren! Greninja!!"

Ash could only laugh as he saw how happy and excited his friend was, forgetting how late it was and that they were directly below the balcony that was attached to Serena's room. The celebration stopped suddenly when the lights in the house turned on and a door opened. Greninja knew he goofed, but also knew that Serena would be happy to see him again as well.

"Ash...what's with all the noise?" Serena called down sleepily, rubbing her eyes to get them to function properly.

Ash scratched the back of his head and gave an embarrassed grin as he looked up at her.

"Sorry Serena, I didn't mean to wake you. You see, a friend of ours has decided to drop in and see us. I told him about the last year and how I won the Alolan Championship and he kind of started celebrating...heh he..."

Serena heard the words but they didn't really register for a few moments. She looked down at  Ash and saw Greninja looking up at her, waving his webbed hands in greeting. Ash started mentally counting down from 10, knowing that when she did figure it out she would be extremely happy.

"Is...that...Greninja? Wait...GRENINJA!!!!" Serena's eyes went wide as she almost screamed the frog Pokémon's name. She bolted back into her room and could be heard running down the stairs and then out to door before flinging her arms around Greninja in a huge hug.

"It's so good to see you again Greninja! It feels like it's been more than just a year!" Serena was almost sobbing by this point. She didn't know why she would be sobbing but she was. Maybe it was because she was remembering all the amazing times her and Ash had had while traveling Kalos together and how much it had meant to her. Maybe she was just happy to see her friend again.

Greninja looked at Serena and Ash for a few moments before his face showed he was confused by the current situation. Turning to Pikachu, he pointed at the two trainers and crossed two of his fingers, almost like he was asking if they were together or not. Pikachu looked at the smile on Greninja's face in surprise before falling over and laughing, shaking his head as he did so. Greninja's smile faded away and was replaced with one of sadness.

Ash and Serena noticed this and smiled.

"Come here buddy, and I will tell you why I'm here." Ash said, once again sitting on the grass and indicating Greninja should join him. "I traveled here to see Serena after I found out she was going to be home for a while from winning in Hoenn. She is a Champion Coordinator now, just like she said she would be> Both of us have gotten stronger. I also came here to ask her to join me on a journey but her mother has given me a quest to complete first."

Greninja looked at Ash with a little confusion before an idea popped into his head. He turned and pulled the Second Place ribbon he had been given out of a pouch at his back. Pointing to the ribbon, he looked at Ash and threw a few punches, asking if Ash was going to challenge the Kalos League again. All Ash could do was nod his head slightly, eyes wide with wonder that Greninja could guess it so easily.

"My mother has said that if Ash can beat the Kalos League I can go on a trip with him and my mother also says she knows where we should travel." Serena said before resting her head on Ash's shoulder. She was a little cold but Ash was always a furnace so she had scooted a little closer. "I know he can do it this time, but he does need a sixth member of his team. I just don't know if he knows who he will use."

Greninja looked at them both as he absorbed the information he was just given. Without thinking to long, Greninja pulled his pokeball out of the pouch and held it out to Ash. Everyone was staring at it, not knowing what to think. The fact that Greninja still had his pokeball meant that he had wanted to return to Ash at some point or maybe chose a new trainer. Being presented with the pokeball, Ash was a little hesitant.

"Are you sure buddy? Is your job with Zygard complete? I don't want to take you away from the important work you both do." Ash said as he looked at the Pokeball being offered.

"Greninja ja!" Greninja said nodding his head, indicating that his work had been completed.

Ash took the pokeball slowly, knowing just how much Greninja trusted him. He was worried he was no longer worthy to have Greninja on his team but he knew there was only one way to find out. Taking the pokeball, Ash gave a hearty laugh and smiled as he and Greninja gave each other and fist bump like old times. As their fists  met, Greninja was sucked into his pokeball.

"I can't believe it! Greninja's back!" Ash exclaimed, looking at Serena. Before she could answer though, Serena yawned, showing that she was still tired.
"Sorry Serena, I forgot how late it was. Let's go back inside and get you into bed so you can have a good sleep. Tomorrow is when the fun starts."

Serena looked at Ash with half closed eyes, trying to understand what he meant by fun.
"Huh? I don't think I follow your thought process Ash..." Serena managed to say before another yawn escaped her mouth.

"Training. Tomorrow is when we start training Serena." Ash said as he closed the door behind hun and locked it.

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