Chapter 15

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Ash is up just as the sun starts to peak over the horizon. He and his team are back at Sycamore's lab training on the battlefield there. They have been working to master their new move and become more in sync with Ash and each other.

The group are once again sitting on the battlefield with their eyes closed, concentrating. Their breathing was in sync with each other and you could have heard a drop of water fall onto the dirt floor it was so quiet. They had been concentrating for almost an hour now when suddenly Ash spoke.

"Alright guys! Let do this! It's time to get stronger and stronger! Let us become one snd share the same goals!"

Once again, the reaction that took place left him and his team speechless but they felt ready. They knew they could do it. They knew they were as strong as they could be for the event. They just had to prove it now.

Some time later, after training, Ash arrived back at the Pokémon Centre to get his team looked at and recharged for the day. He would find out shortly who he would be facing in the second round of battles. Ash joined everyone else at the group of tables as they were already eating breakfast.

"Morning everyone! Sorry I'm late." He said, waving to the group.

Serena squeezed his hand in welcome while Dalia gave him a hug. Hala looked at the clock before looking up at Ash, a piece of waffle hanging precariously off his fork with syrup dripping off it. "Late? Ash, this is the earliest we have ever seen you up!" Hala remarked.

This brought about quite a bit of laughter until they heard Ash's reply. "Well...I have actually been up since before sunrise...I had wanted to be back before everyone else was awake but I guess I was late again." He said as he scratched the back of his head.

Gladion walked up to Ash and grabbed his shoulders, looking him in the eyes with seriousness but a smile on his face. "Who are you and what have you done with the real Ash? You never get up that early! Are you feeling ok?!" He asked the last part as he released Ash's shoulders and put a hand on his forehead, feeling for a temperature change.

"Yes Gladion I'm fine!" Ash said as he swatted away his friends hand from his forehead before sitting down. "I just got up early to do some special training with my team."

The group was still in shock but started talking excitedly about the days possible match ups. There was a little time left before the matches would be revealed so they were eager.

Moments later, their wait was over as the TV in the cafeteria began to display the highlights of the previous days matches. "Ladies and Gentlemen we witnessed some amazing battles yesterday. To no ones surprise, Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town and Alain are through to the next round as they were the two trainers who faced each other in the Finals last time they both competed. One trainer surprised us all as Calem from Vaniville Town beat his opponent quite handily to move onto the 2nd round as well. Here are the matchups for the day."

The screen showed the 2nd round matchups with everyone agreeing that Alain would be moving on as he was facing a trainer that he beat the last time they battled against each other. Ash was against a trainer named Troy. He had beaten his first round opponent in a heated battle so Ash knew this was not going to be easy. His battle was the first of the afternoon, set for 1pm.

"So Ash, do you know who your going to use for the battle?" Serena asked as she looked at him, trying to gauge his thoughts on his opponent.

"I do, yeah." Ash replied. "I think I will let Lucario have some fun. He has earned it after all. He trains harder than everyone else, he makes us all better by trying to match his enthusiasm and love of battling and training."

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