Chapter 18

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Dalia and Grace were waiting anxiously in the Pokémon Centre's cafeteria with Kukui, Burnet, Gladion and Hala. The six of them had watched as Ash had picked up Serena and carried her out of the arena with MewTwo at their side. No one had seen them since.

"I'm sure they are fine. Ash is a strong man with Pokémon that no one can beat. They must be taking time to just be with each other after the stunt Calem pulled." Gladion said. "Ash isn't the kind of guy who would do anything reckless anymore. He has become an incredible young man."

Dalia looked at Gladion with a smile, knowing he was right. Grace had furrowed brows as she thought back to before the battle began, when Calem had shown his true colours.

"I can't believe he did that though...who is that egotistical and idiotic to try and kiss someone who doesn't want to be touched by you?" She asked, not sure if she wanted an answer or not.

Burnet walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "That boy has been raised to think he can get whatever he wants. He isn't a good trainer and he will make a horrid partner for anyone. It's clear as day that he was raised like that."

Grace put her hand on Burnets and smiled, feeling a little more confident that Serena would be ok.

Hala was also concerned about the young adults but was more curious about how Ash was friends with the legendary Pokémon he used against Calem.

Before anyone could say much else, the doors to the center opened and in walked Ash and Serena, holding hands with Serena's head on his shoulder. They were smiling and seemed to be just enjoying each other's company.

"Serena!" Grace called out before the doors even had a chance to close.

Ash and Serena looked over towards the group when they heard her name called. The two changed course and walked over to them with smiles.

"Is everything ok mom?" Serena asked as she saw her mother start to tear up. Serena gave her mother a hug as Grace started shaking from crying.

After a few moments, Grace was able to calm down enough to speak. "I'm...I'm ok sweetheart. I was just so worried about you. You and Ash just left the stadium after the battle with that...that...ugh I can't even thing if a word to describe that trainer."

Ash looked at Grace. "I think the word you are looking for is thing as it's the only word I can think of that isn't hurtful to any Pokémon or human."

This elicited some laughs from the rest of the group as Serena walked back over to Ash and took his hand in hers once more as she sat down beside him. Dalia and Grace noticed a subtle change in them both, how they seemed to be leaning towards each other, as though they longed to touch each other that all times even when holding hands.

"Umm Ash, Serena...? Is there something you want to tell your mothers?" Dalia asked.

Burnet looked at the two and then noticed the same thing Dalia and Grace had. She now joined them in looking expectantly at the young man who was, in her heart, her first son and the young woman who was going to hopefully be her daughter-in-law.

Ash squeezed Serena's hand and have it a soft kiss. "We might as well tell them or they won't stop asking." He said with a smile.

Serena sighed softly, knowing he was right. She took a breath to calm her nerves when she felt Ash standing behind her with his hands on her shoulders, giving her support.

"Well, maybe I should start at the beginning when we left the arena after the battle. Ash was carrying me as I was quite upset and he didn't want to let me go. We went to a clearing outside the city with flowers and a river running through it and just talked and relaxed. Ash was more concerned with me than his victory." She said, the last part eliciting some chuckles and amazed looks.

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