Chapter 7

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"Ash you can put me down now you know, I am capable of walking." Serena was in the arms of the young man she had always admired and been in love with for almost a decade since they met at Professor Oak's Pokemon Camp. They had been walking for a little over ten minutes surrounded by Ash's incredibly strong Pokemon. Serena found herself in the situation of being carried as if Ash and her were newly married due to a confrontation with Calem.

"I know you can walk Serena, but I refuse to put you down just yet. Maybe when we get to your mother's place so that you can walk into the house instead of giving your mother the wrong impression." Ash chuckled. "Besides, I like carrying you, feeling your arms around my neck and your head on my chest."

Ash looked down at Serena, seeing the pure joy in her eyes as she stared back. He kissed her forehead gently, slightly shocked at how confident he was being but didn't think much more on it.

As they rounded the last corner, Charizard stopped dead in his tracks making everyone else stop as well. There was a low growl that emanated from the fire type Pokemon that made Ash stop and look where all the others were looking. In front of them stood a woman with medium brown hair that was cut short, just above her shoulders. She was in a blue jumpsuit and had several Rhydon standing beside her and the look on her face told Ash that she was not to happy to see him holding her daughter like he was.

"Would you mind telling me why you are holding my daughter in your arms while your Pokemon are out of their Pokeballs causing a panic as you all walk along?" Grace asked, looking directly into Ash's eyes and causing to start sweating. "Well? I'm waiting Mr. Ketchum."

Ash gently put Serena down, making sure she was ok to stand before recalling his Pokemon while Pikachu jumped into Serena's arms and snuggled down as she stared to stroke his tail. It was Serena who broke the silence first, much to Ash's relief.

"Calem happened mom...he confronted Ash and I. I had seen a huge blast from my window down at the battlefield and gone to see who it was. I found Ash there and we started walking away from the battlefield together when Calem saw us." Serena was looking at the ground, her eyes wet from tears that were starting to fall. "Calem said some things that made me freeze up and Ash stepped in to protect me. His Pokemon also protected me and gave me strength from just them being there."

Ash looked at Serena's mother and decided to say something before things got any more uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry if I caused any trouble or alarm Ms. Yvonne, I never would mean to cause harm to anyone." Ash stepped forward and looked upset with himself. "I was just trying to protect Serena and make sure she got home safely. I ask your forgiveness if I have overstepped my bounds." Ash finished.

The last sentence caught everyone off guard. Ash never asked for forgiveness, especially not when he never did do anything wrong. Serena looked from Ash to her mother, wondering what her mother's reaction would be. It didn't take long thought for her to find out. Grace smiled softly as she tried to cover her face with her hand before walking up to Ash and pulling him into a gentle hug.

"I know you didn't mean to cause concern Ash, I'm just doing what a mother is supposed to do when she sees her daughter in the arms of young man." Grace said, holding Ash gently. After a few moments more, Grace stepped back so she could get a good look at Ash. Grace noticed how much taller he was, how he had filled out but more importantly, how he was much more responsible but just as caring. Grace smiled as she hugged Ash again. "You are turning into an amazing young man Ash, someone every mother would be proud to call their son or have date their daughter."

Serena ran to her mother, hugging her just as she let go of Ash who was a little confused but was piecing everything together slowly.

"I knew you weren't mad at Ash mom!"

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