Chapter 11

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Somewhere deep in the Kalos mountains, a Pokémon woke from its slumber. The Pokémon's eyes flew open when it sensed a power that it had not thought possible to feel again.
"It cannot be! There are none left who can control that power anymore so why do I sense it?" The Pokémon rose from its sitting position and walked to the pool of water in the middle of the cave. "If there is one who can control the power, then I must seek them out. They will need my protection and guidance as they and their Pokémon become stronger. I must be careful though. The time has come to leave my sanctum at long last."

The unknown Pokémon walked towards the cave entrance and into the woods, disappearing from sight as it started its journey.


Ash, Serena, Grace and Pikachu got out of the car. Grace had driven them to Lumios City the next morning after the battle between Ash and Serena. They were now outside Professor Sycamore's lab where he was expecting them.

"It doesn't look like this place has changed one bit since we were here last." Ash said, looking around and remembering the last time he was at the Lab. "Hopefully this time Garchomp doesn't get collared by a mind control device that fails to work properly!"

Serena looks at Ash with a little hint of concern but then starts to laugh to herself. "Oh Ash, only you can make me remember how scary that situation was. I was horrified when you jumped off Prism Tower to rescue Pikachu."

Ash looks at his partner and ruffles his fur between his ears. He remembered how scared he was but he never let on that he had been scared. He knew that he had to help Garchomp and then save Pikachu, he just didn't think it through enough with him jumping off the tallest building in the city.

"Let's not have a repeat of that little adventure, once is enough when it comes to jumping off a building that tall!"

The door to the lab opened and Professor Sycamore came walking towards them with a big smile on his face as he greeted his visitors.

"Ash! Serena! So good to see you both again! It feels like its been forever since we last saw each other and so much has happened!" Sycamore said giving the young trainers a warm hug. Sycamore turned to Grace and shook her hand. "Grace, good to see you again as well! Its been a little longer than a few years since I last saw you hasn't it."

Grace smiled as she greeted Sycamore. "It has indeed been a little longer than a few years. The last time I saw you, you were trying to see if it was possible to calibrate the bond between a Rhyhorn and their riders during an event in Camphrier Town! My how things haven't changed much."

Both Grace and Professor Sycamore laugh heartily as they remember the days events, both agreeing that it hadn't been a good idea to stick probes on a Rhydon while it was sleeping. After a few more moments of laughter, Sycamore invited them all inside for some tea and to discuss what brought them to see him in the first place.

As Ash poured the tea, Grace described what had happened to Lucario during the battle. As she described the event, Sycamore's eyes grew wider with awe.

"The Flash Cannon that Lucario used was blue in color, the same blue that surrounded him. It was also the same blue as..." Grace had to take a steadying breath before finishing. "It was the same blue as Ash's eyes were. It was as if his eyes were glowing."

Ash and Serena looked at Grace with their mouths open. They didn't remember this and Serena most definitely didn't see Ash's eyes glowing. Serena was suddenly very concerned for Ash. She didn't know what had happened or if it would have a negative effect on him at all. She instantly began thinking the worst.
"What if he gets hurt? What if he dies from what ever caused his eyes to glow blue? Will I lose the one person I care so much about before I can really express my feelings for him? No! No Serena, you have to stop thinking this way. Nothing bad will happen to him. Nothing is allowed to happen to him this time. It's time for us both to be happy and be together...somehow anyway."

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