Chapter 5

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The sound of the breaks squealing as the bus slowed down caused Pikachu to wake up with a start. Ash was already awake and stroked his partners tail.


"We're here buddy, finally." Ash then realized the severity of what he was about to do. His eyes bulged from his head as he started overthinking everything.

"Pikachu! What if she doesn't want to see me? What if she hates me? What is she refuses to talk to me? What if....OW!!"

Pikachu had seen this coming and smacked his friend with his tail. Pikachu looked at Ash, rubbing his face from the impact.

"Pika pi, pika chu pi!"

Ash looked at Pikachu and decided he was right.

"You're right buddy, I can't let my imagination get the best of me and freak myself out. Yes it's been over a year but I'm a different person than I was then. Let's do this buddy!"

The bus stopped at the station, opened the doors and everyone disembarked. Ash looked at where he was. He was on the south side of town and needed to get to the south west, about twenty blocks from where he was.

"Alright buddy, let's head off!"

Pikachu jumped onto Ash's shoulder and they took off towards Serena's house.

As they walked they marvelled at the beautiful houses and scenery, everyone they came across was friendly and welcoming. They had been walking for about twenty minutes when they stopped at a park for a quick water break from one of the water fountains. As they got ready to leave again Ash felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Excuse me, are you a trainer?"

Ash turned to see a group of young men who all looked at him with smirks on their faces. Ash looked at the guy who had asked him the question.

"I am yeah, why do you ask?"

The young man grinned and laughed.
"This is going to be to easy. I challenge you to a battle then!"

Ash looked at the guy then back to his friends. All of them were laughing and looking at him with disdain.

"Sure, let's battle. 1 v 1 Sound good to you?"

"Sure, yeah that works" the kid snickered.
Ash extended his hand as he introduced himself.

"I'm Ash by the way, Ash Ketchum."

Instantly the group stopped laughing and stared in disbelief. The guy who challenged Ash looked like all the colour drained from his face he was so pale looking.

"A...ash...Ketchum? As in Alola Champion, Kalos runner up and the one who stopped Team Flare Ash Ketchum?!"

Ash nodded nonchalantly, shrugging slightly.
"Yeah that's me. It's no big deal honestly. I'm just a trainer who loves my Pokémon and enjoys helping them become the strongest they can be."

"You're kidding right? NO BIG DEAL!?!? How is all that not a big deal? You're Ash Ketchum!" The boy was now excited but scared at the same time. His friends were just the same but more concerned than excited.

"I have only won one of the leagues I have entered and that would be six of them now. I have been runner up twice now and champion one time. Shall we start the battle?" Ash started walking towards the battle field located just on the other side of the path from where he was. He didn't notice that many others started filling the seats, or the group of girls who sat off to the side watching him from under wide brimmed hats. The young man who challenged him gulped as he walked towards the left side of the arena while Ash went to the right.

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