Chapter 27

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"Are we there yet?" Serena whined, looking at Ash who was excitedly looking out the window trying to see something, anything.

"Ashhh...! How much longer?!" Serena asked again, her voice higher pitched as she tried to get her boyfriends attention.

Ash grinned slyly as he looked back at Serena, taking her hand in his. "I thought you were excited to fly to a new region...what's the matter? Not enjoying the flight anymore?" He asked with a sulky voice, causing Serena to giggle.

"Ash, you know I like flying but I want to be there already! It's been such a long time since we have been out on a trip together and I hate being cooped up when I'm so excited!" She giggled, bouncing in her seat from the excitement and energy she now had after a good 8 hour sleep.

Just as Ash was about to reply to her, there was a *ding* from the overhead speaker system.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We are starting to make our decent into Aurora International Airport. The local time is 8:45pm and the temperature is a pleasant 24 Degrees Celsius. On behalf of myself and the entire crew, thank you for choosing to fly Ransei Air."

Serena had grabbed Ash's hand in a vice like grip as she looked out the window. The sun was low on the horizon but there was still an hour or so before it set.

The sunlight glittered off the buildings of the city like millions of tiny jewels. The buildings looked far different from what they were used to on the mainland.

As the plane descended lower, the details on the houses and buildings became more defined. The roofs looked like they had central peaks that slopped down and out to the corner of each wall finishing with framing that hung out past the wall and roof edge that was decorative.

The walls of the buildings were simple yet also quite elegant. Most were white or light brown with each level of the building being distinguishable by a small section of roof that ended in the repeated decorative points.

Some homes and buildings seemed to have courtyards built into them, trees and ponds visible in the bigger ones. Smaller green spaces were visible in back yards with small ponds or fountains beside trees that were well looked after.

The plane landed with a little bit of a bump as the wheels touched down and taxied to the terminal quickly allowing the passengers to disembark without having to wait to long.

Ash and Serena walked up the terminal and gathered their bags before heading for the exit. As they walked, they held hands and Serena was so excited she was skipping and giggling causing Ash to smile and shake his head at her enthusiasm.

As they walked out the doors, they stopped and breathed in the warm fresh air noticing that it was accented by the sweet smell of flowers.

"Oh my Arceus, it smells so good!" Serena exclaimed with a squeak of excitement. "I never thought a city could smell!"

Ash chuckled as he pulled Serena into a gentle hug. "It does smell relaxing, much more like a meadow full of wild flowers than a city." He agreed. "Now that we are here, are you still as excited?" He asked.

Serena took a few moments to think, her brow furrowed in thought before looking back up at Ash with excitement twinkling in her eyes. "I think I'm more excited!" She exclaimed while rocking back and forth on her feet.

"I can't believe we are here!!" She squealed, completely loosing control of her restraint. "Hey Ransei!!! Alolan Champion Ash and Hoenn Top Coordinator Serena are here!" She yells out, causing some passers bye to look at them oddly.

Upon realizing what she did, Serena squeaks in embarrassment and runs to Ash, hugging him tightly. "Oops...I can't believe I did that!" She says quietly into his ear causing him to laugh.

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