Chapter 17

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The grass felt amazingly soft as Ash, Serena and MewTwo sat on a hillside overlooking Prism Tower. They had left the stadium and gone out of Lumios City to have the privacy that they needed.

Serena was doing better now. Her tears had dried up as they walked but Ash had refused to put her down, much like in Vaniville when he carried her home after the first run in with Calem.

At the present time, Serena was watching a proper reunion between Ash and the legendary Pokémon MewTwo. She was remembering what MewTwo had said to Ash during the battle. She had been awestruck at how much respect and love had been in the words of the Pokémon. It just occurred to her that she had been able to hear what MewTwo had said to Ash, when everyone else around them hadn't heard a thing.

Serena looked up and noticed that both Ash and MewTwo were looking at her. "Umm...why are you both looking at me?"

MewTwo looked over to Ash before trying back to Serena. "Has Ash ever told you how we met?"

" he hasn't. He mentioned something about an invite only event but he didn't elaborate to much on it." She said.

MewTwo remembered all to well, as the incident left him feeling sad after all these years. "It was during a time in my life where I was very angry with humans. I had found out that I had been created by humans to be used as a tool. I held a contest while controlling a Nurse Joy to have her act as my voice. During the contest I cloned all the Pokémon and had them battle their original selves even though they didn't didn't want to."

Serena was staring at the Pokémon with amazement, she had never known any of this.

"Ash put himself between the Pokémon, taking their attacks himself to prevent the others from being hurt." MewTwo looked down as he continued. He had tears slowly tricking down his cheeks. "In the process of saving others, Ash was turned to stone. He had been willing to sacrifice himself to save all Pokémon."

Serena was now resting her head against Ash's shoulder, hugging his arm as tears fell unhindered from her eyes at the thought of Ash being killed. "W..what..happened then?" She managed to ask, sniffling a little.

"Pikachu started to cry and his tears started to flow towards Ash's petrified body. As he cried, the rest of Ash's Pokémon started to cry, followed by the Pokémon I had cloned. Their tears were the key to reviving Ash as well as healing the damage done to myself." MewTwo was looking at Ash with something akin to pride as he finished the tale of how he and Ash met.

Ash slowly got up and gave MewTwo a hug, a hug that was returned by the Pokémon.

"You have been a big reason as to why I haven't changed." Ash said.

The Pokémon smiled slightly. "You have been a great source of pride for me and others in the Pokémon world Ash."

Sitting back down on the grass, Ash held Serena closely, her head resting on his shoulder again. It was a feeling that he was wanting to last forever, having Serena close and in his arms. They looked into each other's eyes, forgetting that MewTwo was there with them.

"I am so proud of how far you have come Ash" MewTwo said. He was looking at the young couple with hope and joy but also with a little bit of sorrow. "It does my heart good to see the joy each of you brings the other and how joyous this moment is for you both. However, Ash, we must have an honest talk. You are most likely wondering why I appeared in public and how I found you."

Ash looked up at the Pokémon and nodded. "I will admit that I am curious as to what has propelled you to come out of hiding again. Also, why is it Serena could hear you when you were talking to me in the arena?"

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