Chapter 30

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After the victory over Katsumoto, Ash and Serena were down town Aurora. They had decided to have a simple but fun date night before heading off to the next city.

" about...that one!" Serena said pointing to a simple restaurant with a fire blazing in a metal pot on the patio.

"That looks perfect." Ash said with a smile. He took her hand in his once more and they crossed the road to the door. "Let's try and get a spot on the patio next to the fire." He said as he opened the door for Serena which earned him a blushing smile from his girlfriend.

Once they entered, the both inhaled deeply. The smells from the kitchen were heavenly. The smells of spices and cooking meet made their mouths water instantly.

"On my Arceus, I think my tastebuds are going to be in heaven." Serena said with a smile.

"Welcome to Aurora Delico." A young man said, greeting them as they walked in. "Is it just the two of you?"

"Yes, just us and could we perhaps get a table on the patio please?" Ash asked.

"Of course, please follow me." The young man said as he grabbed two menus and headed towards the patio exit with Ash and Serena following in his wake.

They arrived at a table right next to the fire burning in the brazier. "Will this be ok for you?" The young man asked.

"It's perfect, thank you." Ash replied.

"Your waiter will be with you shortly, please enjoy your meal."

Ash pulled out a chair for Serena, pushing it in as she sat down before sitting down himself. He handed a menu to Serena before opening his own and looking at the options.

"Wow..." he managed to say. "Everything sounds...amazing!"

Serena giggled at his enthusiasm. It was part of who he was that she loved about him. "I don't even know what to order!" She said. "Maybe the waiter will have a suggestion?"

Ash nodded in agreement. "I think it's worth a shot asking what the waiter would recommend."

Before any more discussion could be done, an older gentleman with a chefs jacket approached their table, a big wide smile on his face that was picked up by his grey eyes.

"Welcome to my restaurant. It is an honour to have the Alola Champion his stunning girlfriend dine here! My name is Katsuto, and I am the owner and head chef. I will be preparing something special for you tonight that is not on the menu as well as a special dessert for after your dinner." He said with a bow.

"We are honoured to be here and to have you cook for us Chef Katsuto." Ash said also bowing slightly from his seat.

The meal was amazing. Mixed greens with berries and an in house salad dressing started them off, followed by a veggie and seafood stew with rice, then a smooth and delicious ice cream made with berries and honey that topped a cobbler.

Ash and Serena were relaxing after finishing their cobbler, sipping tea while the warmth of the fire flooded around them. They both had smiles on their faces as they remembered how good the food was.

"I think I could eat that all day every day." Serena said, as she took another sip. "That was so much better than any food that I have eaten before."

Ash laughed at the dreamy look on Serena's face. "Well that's probably because it was made by a master chef who has been cooking for longer than we have been alive."

Serena giggled as she realized how right Ash was. "So, now where do we go? Are we finishing our date with just dinner?"

"No, I have another idea and before you ask, no I am not going to tell you the plan."

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