Chapter 12

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"You're a direct descendent of Sir Aaron?" Professor Sycamore looked at ash as though he had three heads. Sycamore glanced at Grace and Serena, neither of whom seemed to know who he was talking about.

"I'm sorry, but who was Sir Aaron?" Serena asks.

"Sir Aaron was, according to texts and scrolls from centuries ago, an Aura wielder of great power and strength. He was a soldier of Rota, and sacrificed himself for his kingdom fighting against two armies that threatened his homeland. According to texts, he sacrificed himself to give Mew its powers back. Sir Aaron is regarded as one of the strongest Pokémon trainers in history and if he really was an Aura Guardian, then that would explain why it was said his Pokémon were able to defeat anything and anyone." Sycamore said, scanning through a different pile of papers. "Ah ha! This is what I was looking for!"

Everyone gathered around Sycamore as he scanned a document that was titled The Power of Aura and Sir Aaron According to Legend. It had a list of the Pokémon that fought beside Sir Aaron and described some of the unique characteristics of his Pokémon when battling. Professor Sycamore rubbed his chin as he looked over the document.

"It says here that no matter what type of Pokémon he had, he could assist them in gaining power if needed but that..." Sycamore trailed off as he looked at the page. "I don't understand...It says here that his Pokémon could evolve at will and revert back to their previous evolution."

Serena gasped and put her hand to her mouth, shock registering on her face as she looked over at Ash who also was looking surprised and slightly unsure weather he was hearing what he thought he was. Ash slowly looked at Professor Sycamore.

"P...professor? Does that mean...that Sir Aaron was able to battle using the Bond Phenomenon?!"

Grace looked from one face to the others. "What's Bond Phenomenon? Is that what Ash and Greninja can do?"

"Yes it is mom." Serena replied. "Ash and Greninja are in such sync when they battle that Greninja can use Ash's strength to become stronger using their bond." The young trainer turned to Sycamore. "If Sir Aaron could use the Bond Phenomenon, then could it have something to do with Aura? Could all of Ash's Pokémon be influenced by Bond Phenomenon?"

Ash sat down quickly as he started to digest what Serena had suggested. Could he use Aura to make all his Pokémon stronger? Was that possible? He had thought Aura was only usable with Lucario...but if that wasn't the case, then the rules just changed drastically.

"Professor...if you're accurate in what you say, then I should be able to bond myself and the rest of my team together to bring about a evolution of sorts like with Greninja, correct? Is there any way we can test that theory?"

Professor Sycamore looked at Ash, expecting to see the overly excited young man from the past was surprised to see him thinking and being reserved. This wasn't the Ash he remembered but he also knew that this information was, if he himself was being honest, daunting and worrisome as no one knew much about Aura let alone someone being able to use it themselves.

"We can go to the battle field here in the Lab. But shouldn't you register for the League before it's to late? It does start in just a few days." Sycamore stated.

"I'm already registered actually. All I had to do was go to the Pokémon Centre in Vaniville and Nurse Joy there made sure I was all set. I have to be at the stadium for 9am in two days. To find out my first round matchup and time." Ash replied. He still wasn't looking up as he studied the paper on the table.

"Alright then, I suggest we get started. Let's head off to the battle field and see what we can find out." Sycamore said as he started walking out of the room.

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