Chapter 1 - Platform 9 3/4

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Kings Cross bustled with muggles and wizards alike, and today was one of the unusually crowded days. Trolleys with stacks of suitcases, topped with the occasional cage holding an owl, entered the station wheeled past sign posts labeled 6, 7, 8 and stopped between 9 and 10.

Crescent Whitewing's blue eyes gleamed with excitement as braced herself to run through; her parents nodded at her to go first. Emerging through at the other side, the steam cleared and she stared in awe at the train and the crowded platform 9 and 3/4. Behind her, her parents came through, followed by another woman. 

Cress's POV

The woman had bushy red hair and was shorter than mother but I immediately broke out into a smile. "Aunt Molly!" I exclaimed as Molly Weasley welcomed me into a big warm hug.

"Cress! I can't believe it's finally your and Ron's turn! Oh, how time flies," she laughed, turning her head back in the direction of her children. Ginny, who was standing behind Percy, turned and waved at me. I waved back and saw Fred and George heads close, shooting each other mischievous glances, already planning something in the corner.

"Well, would you look at that. Not even five minutes here and Fred and George are already terrorizing the first years," she sighed, rolling her eyes. "Best of luck this year, dear! I better hear from you too," she patted me on the back before hurrying in the way of the twins.

"I will!" I agreed before turning my attention back to my parents. They were staring across the station, dark expressions on their face. I followed their gaze.

My mother leaned down and whispered in my ear. "You see that family of three over there?" My mom slightly nodded towards a couple with their son. White blonde hair, black outfits, arrogant demeanor and that snake walking stick.

"The Malfoys," I said, remembering what my parents had told me about them and several other families that had supported Voldemort years ago. Death eaters, they had been, and Death Eaters were the reason my uncles were dead. Mother also constantly told me stories of when my father and her were in school, they had a heated rivalry with Lucius Malfoy, especially.

Before I could look away, their son caught me staring. He said something to his parents and then the whole family started walking our way. Great. I was already beginning to dislike their son. While sending me off to Hogwarts, the one thing my parents hadn't wanted was to run into the Malfoys.

"Lucius," my father said, dipping his head slightly as they approached.

Lucius returned his gesture with a stuck up smirk on his face. "Laurence."

"So you're the Whitewing my father has been telling me about," I looked the boy in front of me up and down. He was just a little taller than me, his hair slicked back with definitely more than one tube of gel. 

I scoffed. "You're not important enough for my father to mention," I rolled my eyes. "And who might you be?" I asked.

"Draco. Draco Malfoy." He sneered, clearly irritated that he had been upstaged by a Whitewing.

"Crescent. Crescent Whitewing." I replied, letting him get a taste of his own medicine. How stuck up and egoistic, I thought.

"Well, see you at work Lucius. I'd like to send my daughter off in peace," my father waved absently at Lucius and pulled me closer to him.

Lucius let out a unsatisfied hmph, and stalked away, his wife and Draco following. Draco raised his eyebrow at me before turning away. "See you at Hogwarts, Whitewing."

"Ugh, hopefully I won't have to deal with him too much." I told my parents as students began filing into the train. It was almost time to leave.

My father chuckled and my mother bent down to fix my uniform. "Try not to land yourself in too many detentions, Cress," my mother joked. She gave me a peck on the forehead and sent me on my way. "I'll be expecting letters from you soon!"

I nodded and waved them goodbye. Once inside the train, I looked for Ron. How hard would it be to spot his ginger red hair? I thought to myself as I scanned each compartment quickly.

"Ron!" I exclaimed when I found him inside one of the last compartments sitting with another boy. He had messy hair and green eyes, his glasses were cracked and he looked a tad bit confused. A muggle-born perhaps?

"Cress! Here, come sit with us. Harry, this is Crescent, but we all call her Cress. Cress, this is Harry Potter!" he emphasized Harry's name.

My eyes widened. "What?" I gasped. The one and only Harry Potter was sitting right across from me right now?

"Hey, I'm Harry," he said, giving me a small smile.

"I'm Crescent, but call me Cress," I said, shaking his hand. "Are you guys excited?" I asked the two boys, taking a seat.

Before Harry could answer, the door opened up and the sweets cart rolled in. "Sweets, anyone?"

"I brought my own snacks," Ron said, he looked a bit sad. I frowned, the Weasleys worked hard but they had a huge family. My mother had offered financial assistance to Molly many times but unless it came in the former of a Christmas or birthday gift for one of the Weasley children, Molly never accepted any galleons.

I felt around for my purse but I couldn't find it. "Oh no, I must've left my purse with my suitcase. It's all the way in the luggage compartment," I groaned, I had really wanted a chocolate frog.

"Don't worry! I'll take the whole cart," Harry pulled a handful of coins out his pocket and grinned.

"Oh my, you're awesome Harry!" I laughed as we took the whole cart to ourselves.

We spent the next few hours rummaging through the cart and filling Harry in on stuff about the Wizarding world while he told us about his life in the muggle world.

"They sound like the worst muggles ever!" I gasped, feeling sorry for Harry. Someone who was basically a celebrity in our world living in a cupboard and as a servant to three muggles who were so full of themselves? He didn't deserve that. "My mother told me that her and father were friends of your parents," I told Harry.

His eyes suddenly clouded over but he leaned in, eager to hear more about his parents. "Really? What were they like?" He questioned, a hint of sadness in his voice.

Okay, maybe I shouldn't have brought that up. Luckily, the door slid open again and this time, a girl our age with bushy hair stepped in, another first year standing timidly behind her. "Has anyone seen Neville's frog?" She asked, looking around the messy compartment, wrappers and boxes were practically laying everywhere.

"Unless you're speaking about the chocolate frogs, nope," I said, shrugging. I looked over at Ron who was not paying attention and now trying to show Harry how he could turn his rat's fur yellow. "Sunshine daisies..." Except it wasn't working.

The girl let out an exasperated sigh and took out her wand. "That's not even an actual spell," she said matter-o-factly. Then, she looked at Harry and shook her head. "Oculus reparo," she said and pointed her wand at Harry's glasses. The cracks instantly disappeared and the glasses appeared as good as new.

I raised an eyebrow at her, not sure if I admired this girl for knowing so much already or annoyed that she was showing off. A bit of a know it all if you ask me. We weren't allowed to perform magic yet and here she was, casting charms. "What's your name?" I asked, curious.

"Hermione Granger," she answered. "My parents are muggles," she added.

"I'm Crescent Whitewing," I introduced myself and Ron and Harry followed in suite. Unlike others, Hermione seemed a little less fazed by the fact that Harry Potter was in front of her eyes. Instead, after a few more exchanges, she bid her farewell and dragged the boy named Neville along with her to the next compartment.

"Bloody hell, she might turn this train upside down before we even get to Hogwarts if she goes in every compartment pretending she's a headmistress of this train," Ron joked.

"At least my glasses are fixed now!" Harry took them off and examines it again, tracing his fingers over where the crack used to be.

After a little longer, the trained began to slow to a halt. Outside, the castle came to view, looming above the trees and standing in the midst of the fog that sat above the landscape.

'Look, we're here!"

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