Chapter 31 - Umbridge

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At the start-of-term feast and speech, our new DADA teacher, Umbridge, who was dressed in a hideous pink outfit, rudely interrupted Dumbledore, making it clear that the Ministry was interfering. I took an immediate dislike towards her, wondering if my parents had ever come across her during work. She was already unbearable.

As Hermione took the lead to show the first years the way to our common room, I debated whether I should wait for Draco in the 2nd floor bathroom. Oh, that's right. He's a prefect too, he would be too busy bossing around the first years. I let it not bother me too much, but the way Pansy couldn't keep herself from latching onto him the whole dinner and him not being able to slip away as easily anymore troubled me.

When I walked into my room, Hermione and Lavender stood face to face, seconds from ripping each other apart.

"What's going on?" I asked, stepping in between them to make sure they neither of them would attack.

"I'm trying to tell her Rita Skeeter's articles are nothing but lies, and that the Ministry is just trying to hide the fact that you-know-who is really back," Hermione answered, shooting daggers at Lavender.

"And why should I believe you? Where's your proof?" Lavender retorted, turning to me. "And do you believe this, Crescent?"

"I..." I was taken aback by the sudden question directed at me. "There's no reason Harry and Dumbledore would lie. Besides...I trust that my parents would know if he was really back," I said, unconvincingly.

Lavender caught on and shot Hermione a triumphant glance before skipping out back to the main room.

"Hermione-" I tried to explain but she shook her head.

"When did become such a bad liar, Cress?" She gave me a disappointed look, "you need accept the inevitable because I know that you know it's true, you just chose not to believe it because of him."

"And the whole summer, everyone chose to treat me as an outcast. How am I supposed to truly believe it when everything is top secret? I'd rather waste my time with him, at least he understands," I bit my lips in guilt at my outburst. Hermione frowned and reached out to me, but I backed don't know the room and headed towards the place where I knew I could always find comfort.

He was already there when I stepped into the dim moonlight. "How did I manage to get here faster than you with all my prefect duties?" He teased, pulling me into a tight hug.

"I'm surprised you even had time to meet me tonight, surely the duties will keep you and Pansy busy," I hinted.

"I have to act mutual with her, much happened over the summer, I'm sorry I couldn't write," he murmured, running his hand through my hair.

"Same," I replied. We sat in silence for a couple minutes. I knew we were both debating whether to tell each other about our summer, but I knew whatever was going on at the Malfoy Manor was just as top secret as whatever was happening at 12 Grimmauld Place. " do you reckon this school year will go? We never seem to catch a break," I began.

"Hopefully no more Rita Skeeters," he joked. "The only time I want to see another front page about us is in my nightmares,"

"Nightmares? Do you have them often?" I asked, leaning my head on his chest. I could hear his steady heartbeat pick up pace.

"Nightmares about how everything will go down..." he replied, he squeezed my shoulder, looking up at the sky.

Everything we talked about would eventually come back to the topic that determined our futures. "Studying for the O.W.L.s has been a nightmare as well," I changed the subject. "Say, do you still have the same dream as you did back in our 2nd year?"

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