Chapter 35 - End of 5th Year

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"Dumbledore, Potter Vindicated"

"Minister To Resign?"

"Umbridge Suspended: Pending Investigation"

"He Who Must Not Be Name Returns"

"Hogwarts Headmaster Reinstated"

I raced towards the Great Hall, tucking the newspaper away, having left the common room late when I stayed behind to read all the latest stories. Ever since the battle at the Department of Mysteries, the Ministry finally acknowledged Voldemort's return, as they should've months ago. And the best part? Umbridge was gone. While this was all good news, I couldn't help but think about what was to come in the future. The final standoff was inevitable and it seemed to grow closer every passing minute. 

Draco met me at the entrance of the Great Hall. He pushed himself off the pillar and put his arm around my shoulder as I approached. "Last day of school," he stated, his eyes clouded over.

I nodded. "I wish I didn't have to wait another three months to see you...we can't risk sending owls to each other during times like these either," I sighed as we walked out to the courtyard. 

"We may be apart, but you're always here," he murmured, placing his hand over his heart. "My father doesn't have to know that we still talk,"

"Your father..." I looked down, taking a deep breath. "He was the one that led the ambush on us," I said. And he threatened to kill me first, I wanted to add. 

Draco slumped down onto the bench, his face pale but not surprised. "Whatever you-know-who wants done, my father will be the first to please him," he said, "I once admired him for that, and bathed in all the glory and power our family holds, but you made me realize that there's much more to look up to than that. I'm not-,"

"I know what you're going to say, that you're not like him," I leaned my head on his shoulder. "I know that. I believe that," My mind flashed back to the prophecy of ours. I wished I had hears the last part, but now the prophecy was sealed no matter what. The sphere had been shattered, there was no way to alter it. Although, one part stuck to me the most. One string of hope for us. "Trelawney called us star-crossed, but let's hop there is fault in the stars," I murmured, putting my hand on his. I wanted to tell Draco about the prophecy, but I was scared we would both get too tangled up on it. I was still doubtful and didn't want to depend on what a glass sphere told me. 

He leaned his forehead against mine. "I wish we could leave the world behind or go back to our fourth year when everything was peaceful," he joked.

I laughed softly and watched as a flock of birds flew by above in the clear blue sky, in a formation that resembled a heart. "I wish it was as easy as that..."

"Cress! Time to go," Hermione called from back inside.

He held onto me for a bit longer. "I love you, my Gryffindor Princess," he whispered as I stood up to leave. 

"Me too. See you next year, my Slytherin Prince," I looked over my shoulder once I reached the hall, but he was busy staring at the sky.

Hermione didn't say anything about Draco as we navigated our way back to our rooms to grab our luggage. I suddenly thought of something and asked Hermione to bring my stuff out for me. "Thanks, you're the best. I don't know what I would do without you," I said before making a mad dash over to the North Tower. 

"Professor Trelawney," I said, entering her classroom slowly. She had her back turned towards me, resetting up all her stuff.

"Yes, my dear?" she sounded like she expected me. 

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