Chapter 34 - Department of Mysteries

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A few days later, Harry revealed that he had visions of Sirius being tortured by Voldemort in the Department of Mysteries.

"It could be trap," Hermione deduced.

I agreed, "mother and father would've said something if Sirius was in trouble."

"No, I have to be sure, I have to go save him if he is," Harry shook his head, determined.

"The only fireplace that isn't closely monitored is in Umbridge's room," Hermione pointed out.

"So that's where I'll go," Harry said, getting up. 

I sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing with Harry. Neville, Ginny and Luna joined us as we snuck down to Umbridge's office.

Once we got there, I offered to stay outside to stand guard in case she returned. To my dismay, Umbridge walked into her classroom just a couple moments after Harry had slipped into her office. She narrowed her eyes as she stalked up to me, behind trailed Draco and members of her Squad. "Ms. Whitewing, what brings you into my classroom without permission?" she questioned in her high pitched voice.

"Well, you see, Professor..." I moved slightly in front of the door. "I was thinking about it and I was wondering if I could join the Inquisitorial Squad," I raised my voice, hoping they could hear me inside and quickly hide.

Draco widened his eyes in surprise as did many others. Umbridge gave me a long, hard stare and finally clapped her hands together. "Finally had enough of your friend's nonsense, have you!" she exclaimed, pushing me aside and opening the door to her office, "Papers are inside-what have we got here?" her voice turned into a snarl.

I turned around to see Harry and all the rest of them standing at the center of the room, starring back in horror. Umbridge pointed at Harry and then t me, "Explain yourselves!" she demanded as members of the Squad swiftly filed in and grabbed each of them. 

Draco grabbed me and pulled me aside. "What are you guys doing?" he hissed in my ear.

"That's none of your business," I replied, not meeting his gaze.

Snape arrived at Umbridge's office but he left after Harry dropped hints about Sirius. Hermione covered for us saying that we were trying to contact Dumbledore to about his secret weapon in the Forbidden Forest. Umbridge had eagerly lead them away, easily buying her lie. The rest of us, she would deal with us later, she had said.

As soon as we heard the classroom door slam shut, Ginny glanced at me and smirked. She reached into her pocket and threw something onto the ground, resulting in a dark cloud taking up the room. The Squad members let go of us in surprise.  "A smoke bomb," Ginny whispered, finding my arm and pulling me out of the room. When Neville, Luna and Ron escaped the smoke-filled room, Ron slammed the door shut and locked it. 

"What now?" Neville asked as we rushed towards the Forbidden Forest. "We can't use the Floo Network now,"

"Thestrals," Luna suggested. "We can fly them to the ministry," she clarified when we shot her questioning looks.

We met up with Harry and Hermione who informed us that Umbridge had been dragged away by angry centaurs while they were in the forest. When we arrived at the Ministry, Harry led us down the to hallway he saw in his dreams. On the way there, my brother spotted me.

"Cress? Is that you?"

"Oh no, hurry!" I frantically said as we quickened our pace. We filed into the elevator and I spammed the close button, watching my brother run closer to closer. Fortunately, before he reached us, the elevator descended. "This is bad, my parents are going to kill me if they knew I was here!"

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