Chapter 13 - Obliviate

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I stepped into the halls to face a horrifying sight. Dwarves dressed as cupids roamed the corridors, Valentines in their hands. I snatched the Valentine from one of the dwarves trying to give it to me.

Ron and Harry were just as dismayed as I was when they met me at the Great Hall. "What is going on?"

"Lockhart sent dwarves to receive and deliver Valentines as a morale booster due to believing that he made the attacks stop," Hermione explained, for once not quite agreeing with his claim.

A cupid-dwarf came up to me with a pile full of Valentines. I accepted them and saw that most were from Gryffindor boys. Of course, I should've seen it coming. One cupid-dwarf somehow managed to deliver a singing valentine to Harry.

While struggling to avoid him, Harry tripped and fell, his face turning 50 red shades darker than he already was. I bent down to help him gather his books only to notice a horrified Ginny staring at his diaries. The ink had spilled all over, it was an ugly mess indeed.

"Ugh, this is ridiculous, I'm going to tell Lockhart to put a stop to this," I told them before setting off to his classroom.

Lockhart was happily signing fan mail again in his office when I stormed in. He looked caught off guard but his gaze hardened when he saw it was me.

"Well, well, well. You coming into my office certainly isn't for anything pretty," he remarked, as the office door slammed closed behind me.

"I think you need to stop taking credit for things you didn't do, and deflate that ego of yours because no one asked for Gilderoy Lockhart to send cupid-dwarves around Hogwarts to deliver Valentines," I fumed, fed up with his obsession with fame, attention, and himself. We hadn't learned a thing in DADA this year and he had caused nothing but trouble.

Lockhart raised an eyebrow, his hand reaching for something in his drawer. "I've underestimated you, Ms. Whitewing. A even more brilliant witch than your fellow friend," He whipped out his wand and pointed it at me. "I suppose I could write a pretty good book starring Hogwarts beloved Gryffindor Princess once your memories are wiped,"

Memory charms. It all made sense now. "That's how you've been taking credit for all your books. That's why no one steps up to stop you! You've altered their memories!" I held my wand up for a shielding spell as he attacked me.

"Obliviate!" He cackled, shooting at me endlessly as I scrambled for cover.

"Expelliarmus!" I retaliated, shooting his wand put of his hand. However, it flung out of control, still blasting memory charms left and right as it bounced from trophy case to book case. At some point the impact cracked his wand a little, but that didn't stop the green sparks from flying at me.

Draco's POV

"She really can't remember anything?" Professor McGonagall paced at the edge of the bed, her brows furrowed with worry.

Snape led me to the bed where Crescent sat, a confused yet sad expression on her face. Her three best friends were on the other side with distressed looks.
When Crescent saw me, she gave Professor McGonagall an unsure glance but then waved at me with a faint smile.

"What's going on?" I asked Snape, still confused why I had been brought to her.

"Professor Lockhart said she got into an argument with a dwarf and at some point, it got a hold of her wand and cast a memory spell on her," Professor McGonagall explained, sniffing as she shook her head defeatedly. "Memory charms like obliviate are supposed to be permanent, but we had to try and see if she'd remember,"

Oh, so they had brought me here to see if her deep hatred for me could spark something. However, it wasn't working because she kept looking at me expecting something.

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