Chapter 16 - End of Second Year

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"Expelliarmus," I whispered, knocking Draco's luggage over.

Draco whipped around, glaring daggers towards whoever had just done it, but doing so made him stumble and trip as well. I stepped into view with a huge grin on my face. "Of course it was you, who else would it be."

"Aren't you glad Hogwarts isn't closing down anymore?" I stopped next to him and held out my hand to him. This time, he took it as he dusted his robe and grudgingly picked up his bags as well. I leaned against the wall, waiting for my parents at the bottom of Dumbledore's office. I had woken up in the middle of the night to the news that Harry had rescued Ginny and defeated the basilisk. And the even better news that Lockhart was a teacher no more and had lost his memory when his own spell backfired on him.

"Next year, Whitewing. I'll settle it with you next year," he promised as a very furious Lucius Malfoy stormed down the spiral staircase. Lucius nudged Draco with his cane and Draco followed his father down the hall. Their house elf, Dobby, scampered after them.

I expected my parents soon after, but Harry rushed out instead, shouting that Lucius forgot something. I saw the diary in Harry's hand. The same diary I had joked with Ginny about replacing after Lucius had taken it.

Lucius kept his cool as Harry accused him of putting the diary in Ginny's bag, but I could see the guilt in his body language. Lucius angrily threw the book at Dobby and walked on without looking back.

"Master has given Dobby a sock. Dobby is free!" Dobby cried with joy as a trembling hand held up one of Harry's socks.

Lucius turned a new shade of red as he pointed his cane at Harry. "You! You have lost me my servant today-" Lucius charged at Harry but Dobby jumped in front of him, blasting Lucius back.

I had to hold back on my laugh, although I wasn't sure what was more hilarious: Draco's expression or Lucius's smack onto the floor. Lucius, shaking in rage, looked Harry dead in the eye before smacking Draco with his cane angrily, a cue to leave. Ouch. I thought, but Draco was probably used to it now. His father always did that to him.

"That was a sight to see," my father noted as he and mother descended the stairs.

I nodded, my smile growing wider as Ron, Hermione and Ginny joined Harry and I. "Oh, I'm so glad all of you are ok!" We all gathered into a huge group hug.

"So, I heard Malfoy saved you?" Hermione prodded, when we pulled away.

I bit my lip. "Yes, yes he did," I admitted. After I saved him first. I wanted to add, but I decided not to.

"Would've been a different story had it been me, remember? He wanted me dead," Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"Well, in the end actions speak louder than words, he's not heartless. I'd do the same for him," I replied before I realized what I had just said. "Not that I'm defending him or anything," I quickly added, but they all gave each other an unconvinced glance.

I waved all my friends good bye as they departed for the Hogwarts Express, although I wish I was going with them. I'd take the Hogwarts Express over Floo Powder any day but it was still the quicker way to get home.

"Ready for the Netherlands this summer?" My mother asked, reminding me of our summer trip.

"Beyond ready, mother. I think I've had enough for a year," I replied as I took one last glance at the school we'd been so close to losing before the Floo powder flames grew taller and swallowed us.

"That's my Gryffindor Princess," my father squeezed my shoulder tightly as the hallway of Hogwarts faded behind the wall of flames.

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