Chapter 8 - The Plan

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I was dead tired in Potions class the next day. At least Draco had kept his promise and Snape hadn't called on me once in class yet. On top of the near death experience I watched Harry face, I couldn't help but grin every time I replayed, in my mind, Draco being a scaredy-cat the previous night in the forest.

"Might I ask what it is that you find so funny about my class, Ms. Whitewing?" Snape stopped at my desk, slapping my desk with his rolled up book. 

I glared at Draco but he just shrugged. I guess I couldn't blame him, I hadn't been paying attention since the beginning of class. "Umm, I..." I saw Draco shaking his head from he seat behind Snape. Don't tell the class? That's funny how he knew exactly what I was thinking. "Well, Malfoy over there was being quite funny," I saw Draco narrow his eyes at me.

"And what were you doing that Ms. Whitewing found so funny?" Snape turned to ask Draco who had slightly paled. I bet his mind was scrambling to come up with something to say.

"Uhh, there was a fly buzzing around my head so I was trying to swat it away. I guess Whitewing found it funny somehow," he lied.

Snape didn't sound convinced but seeing that class was about to end, gave us both a look, walked back to the front of the class and wrote down our homework. 

The four of us hurried out of the classroom before Snape could change his mind about my behavior in his class again. "Let's go to the library," I decided, one of the few places we could get some privacy and talk about what happened in the forest last night.

Once we secured a table all the way at the back and out of earshot from all others, Harry dropped the bomb on us.

"Voldemort, he's alive," Harry said. 

"What?" Ron gasped.

"That's who we saw in the forest last night," Harry replied. "He's drinking unicorn blood to keep himself alive until Snape steals the Philosopher's stone for him, and then he can drink the Elixir of life to come back to power!" 

Hermione thought about it for a moment and said, "Plus Hagrid also let it slip to the stranger about everything guarding the stone. We have to let Dumbledore know!" 

We followed Harry to Dumbledore's office but Professor McGonagall had just exited out of it, almost causing us to stumble into her. "My, my! What could send you four running through the school like a pack of wolves?"

"We need to see Dumbledore, it's important!" Harry answered.

"Dumbledore has just left for London for something urgent," McGonagall pushed her glasses up. "Perhaps you could wait until he gets back?"

"We can't!" Harry argued, and then in a lower whisper, he said, "It's about the Philosopher's stone, we think Snape is trying to steal it!" 

Professor McGonagall was taken aback by what she had just heard. The look of shock, however, disappeared as soon as it had settled on her face, replaced by a sterner look. She leaned closer to us, making sure the halls were empty before saying, "I don't know how you four know about the stone, but I can assure you that it's very well protected and no one will steal it. Especially not Professor Snape. I know you have a dislike for his ways of teaching, but he is a teacher after all and he has contributed to the assuring the safety of the stone," she warned us. "Now, if there's nothing us, I'm sure you have plenty of studies to tend to," She stood back, straightening her cloak out, nodded at us and went on her way.

"I don't think it's coincidence, Harry. I think Dumbledore was lured away," I realized. "Snape's probably going to try and steal it tonight!" The pieces were all falling into place now.

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