Chapter 10 - Mudblood

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Walking the halls, it felt weird not seeing the seventh years and learning new first year faces. Although, most of them seemed to know Harry and me, "The Gryffindor Princess." Yes, the nickname stuck to me, special thanks to Lavender, Seamus and so many others. Up ahead, I saw some first year gryffindors scatter to make way for a group of bullies.

"Look who we've got here." I grinned as I stepped past Harry. There was no door to slam in his face this time.

"Whitewing." the white blonde smirked. "You need a girl to protect you now, Potter?"

"And this girl will the reason why you'll be in the Hospital Wing in a few moments, Malfoy." I snickered.

Crabbe and Goyle flocked Draco, cracking their knuckles. I raised my eyebrows, and then sent them a death glare. If only looks could kill.

Draco snorted, "Stay out of my way, Whitewing. You remember what happened when we had this stand-off last year," he challenged.

"And I plan on not repeating that," It was my turn to smirk.

More people crowded around to watch us now. "You've got a lot of nerve to be messing around with the Gryffindor Princess" someone shouted, probably Seamus or Dean if I had to guess.

"Oh, I don't think your precious Princess will be able to hold up her reputation much more." he sneered.

Without responding, I stalked over to face Draco so that we were only inches apart. "I wouldn't be so confident."

Draco stood his ground, but fear flashed in his eyes.

I let out a little laugh. "I wonder, how often your father hears about me. He seemed quite informed of our "skirmishes" last time we talked."

Draco glared at me, his face flushed. "You have no right to mention him."

"He must get a kick out of the stories you tell. I mean after all, only certain wizarding families are good enough to be upperclass. Spoiled ones, I must say." I waved my hand at him sarcastically.

The people in the crowd hollered with laughter, but when Draco whipped out his wand, no one dared to even take a single breath.

I shook my head, put my hand on his wand and lowered it down. Way down the hall, I spotted a professor coming our way. I leaned close to him once again. "Bet your father doesn't get enough of this: once a death eater, always a death eater." I breathed into his ear.

Pulling back, I winked at a very furious, but shocked Malfoy. Motioning to Harry, Ron and Hermione, a pathway cleared out for me as we walked away from the crowd. "Ten more points for Gryffindor," I murmured under my breath.

The rest of the students scattered as Professor McGonagall neared the crowd. "Malfoy, Whitewing, please come here."

I groaned, wishing I had gotten away faster. I waved Hermione, Harry and Ron off to class without me as the halls emptied until it was just the three of us.

"Not even a full week into the new school year and you two have already drawn wands on each other!" Professor McGonagall lectured. "Since there was no real accidents and attacks, there will be no points taken this time, but this is the only warning I'm giving!" She sternly said, staring at each of us to make sure she got her point across.

We both nodded in agreement but she sighed, probably knowing a warning wasn't going to stop us. "Now, off you go to your classes. Tell your professors to talk to me they need proof for excused lateness."

Before I even reached Defense Agains Dark Arts classroom, I heard a bunch of commotion, and I was met with a bunch of screaming classmates as the door swing close.

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