Chapter 39 - Heartbreak

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Hermione found me staring out the window of our room. I was almost tempted to scare her away like I had done with Lavender, who was still disillusioned with Ron's breakup.

"Cress, we were worried about you...Harry told us what happened," she began, not sure if she should sit down with me.

I bit my lip, trying to blink back tears again. I'm surprised I hadn't cried myself dry. "How could he?" My voice quivered.

"Who?" I felt Hermione's hand on my back when she finally decided to sit down next to me. "Which 'he' are you talking about?"

I gave her a sad smile and laughed. "Both. I didn't tell you yet but Draco decided to end things with me," I let a tear escape and roll down my cheek. "You were all right, I should've seen it coming. How did I go from literally hating him to crying over him?"

"I could tell something was up. You two have been walking around with permanent storm clouds above your heads, but I think you both underestimate how much you love each other," I looked at Hermione in shock, surprised she was comforting me about Draco. "But I think you two really needed a break."

"The break he needs might be forever," I buried my face in my hands. I could never forget the words he said to me. Even royalty falters.

"Also, Harry wanted to apologize for what he did. He said he didn't mean for it to happen..." Hermione added.

"Harry was right with his suspicions, I was wrong to be mad at him. And I was angry at him for hurting Draco, but he's fine now so I think it's best we move on," I said after a moment of silence. "I think he was right about Draco becoming a Death Eater too,"

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked, her face paled.

"I could've sworn I saw it poking out from under his sleeve that night...what do you reckon his mission is then? What would he be doing in the Room of Requirements?"

"That's up to Snape to figure out. Maybe he has already told Dumbledore, how else has he gotten away with all the things he's done this year?"

I looked at Hermione.

"What?" she asked.

"I think you've forgotten how many times we've gotten away with doing the craziest things!" I exclaimed, laughing.

"Yes, yes. Too many times," she agreed, grinning. "Come on, no more being upset. Let's go to dinner," she urged, tugging my robe.

"Alright," I gave in and followed her out our room. That's right, just bury him away with the rest of your feelings for him, Cress. I put on a cheerful face as we headed out.


"Crescent! You've been absent lately, I was started to think you abandoned me!" wailed Myrtle as I stepped into the second floor bathroom.

"A lot has been going on, Myrtle. There's no time for our old shenanigans anymore," I replied, covering my ears as she squealed even louder.

"But I missed you. Draco has been here often, but you haven't!"

"What's Draco been doing in here?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. I thought he didn't have enough time to do anything but shuffle around trying to complete his mission.

"Oh, you don't know? I guess you wouldn't. Why he's been crying over you! And his mission of course, or else...he would be punished with death!" Myrtle zoomed towards me, her eyes glittering with mischief.

"Me? He was the one that broke up with me!" I pointed out, my emotions starting to boil again. "And death? That's practically a suicide mission if he hasn't been able to complete his task yet!" I realized, panic rising in my stomach.

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