Chapter 20 - Holiday Break

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We once again left Harry at Hogwarts as the three of us headed down towards Hogsmeade before holiday break. He really needed to get that slip signed. As soon as I stepped foot into Hogsmeade, a hand reached our to grab mine.

"Don't think I forgot about our bet," Draco reminded, grinning from ear to ear. 

Hermione and Ron glared daggers at Draco but I assured them I would meet them in a few.

"I don't know when or why you got so friendly with Malfoy this year, Cress," Ron shook his head, disappointed.

First year me would've been disappointed too, but I didn't know why. Things definitely changed. "Alright, this and then I'm going to enjoy Hogsmeade with my friends," I told Draco as we headed towards Honeydukes.

I made sure our candy trip was short and once I had purchased the tarts, I dropped the bags in his hands and turned to leave, but he pulled me back again. "You've got to stop doing that before I bring Buckbeak to you to eat both your arms," I snapped, earning a gleeful smirk from him. 

"Well, that won't be happening because my father has that situation under control," he replied slyly, unwrapping a tart and popping it in his mouth.

It was my turn to smirk. As he bit down, there was a crunch and a scream from him. Draco spit out the tart, which had turned into stone and pegged it at me. 

"You just said pumpkin tarts, never which kind," I winked and sprinted for it.

"Get back here right now!" he screeched, chasing me down the streets of Hogsmeade. 

By the time I reached the edge of the woods, I spotted Ron and Hermione staring at the shrieking shack from afar. "Hey guys!" I got their attention as I jogged up to them, trying to catch my breath.

"Why the rush, Cress?" Hermione asked, peering behind me.

Draco came crashing through the bushes, Crabbe and Goyle flocking him with snowballs in hand.

"Oh, someone just tried their first pumpkin tarts, stoned flavored," I teased, dodging a snowball. 

I was about to throw some back when I saw footprints leading towards Draco's gang. Suddenly, Crabbe was knocked over and Goyle's pants were pulled down. The three of us burst out laughing as a snowball smacked itself into Draco's face, making him fall over. When he tried to scrambled up and away, the invisible force grabbed him by his feet and dragged him across the snow, sliding him down the hill. 

"So long, Malfoy," I cried, waving at him as his trio scurried away in fear. I exchanged a knowing glance with Hermione as my scarf lifted up. "That was a good one, Harry,"

Harry uncloaked himself and smiled. "Too good," he agreed. "Butterbeer at Three Broomsticks?" he pleaded.

"Sure, but you've got to stay hidden," Hermione chided.

When we seated ourselves in the corner table at Three Broomsticks, Harry decided it was best to hide underneath our table to avoid being seen. A floating butterbear cup under our table? Yes, that's normal.

"Look, it's McGongall, Hagrid, Flitwick and Fudge!" I whispered to them, pointing in Madam Rosmerta's direction. 

"I wonder what they're discussing, it looks serious," Ron leaned forward like it would help him hear anymore than what he could already hear.

"I'll go see," Our table shook a little, implying that Harry had gone on his way.

"He's going to get himself in trouble! Besides, we shouldn't be eavesdropping!" Hermione exclaimed, exasperated.

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