Chapter 22 - The Truth

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A chill ran down my spine when I learned the news that Sirius Black had been in Harry and Ron's room the night I had snuck out to the bathroom. Was the figure Draco and I saw Sirius Black? Could he have been using the 2nd floor bathroom as a hideout? Then again, Myrtle would've reported it. As much as I wanted to tell someone my realization, there wasn't anyone who was willing to listen. Harry and Ron's feud with Hermione has only gotten worse.

"Okay, they're being stupid and reckless, but they kinda do have a right to be mad at you for threatening to tell McGonagall about the Marauder's Map," I reasoned when Hermione returned to our room.

"I'm just trying to protect him from Sirius Black! He would've died that night. Sirius Black was literally in their room!" she argued, throwing her books down into her desk.

"Yea, but he didn't die," I pointed out.

"He..." Hermione sighed as she struggled to find the words to argue my point.

"I would say you guys need to sit down and have a talk because I don't like being a mailing owl and going back and forth, but obviously that hasn't worked out," I pout my arm around her as she came to sit with me on my bed.

"It's not my fault Ron is always losing his stupid rat. Crookshanks isn't the only cat at Hogwarts," she said as Crookshanks leapt into her arms.

"Yea..." I wasn't sure what else to say, everything I brought up seemed to provoke Harry and Ron or Hermione. "'s the Buckbeak situation?"

At my question, Hermione drew a deep breath. "Not well. The appeal failed and he's going to be executed!" she was devastated.

"How is that possible?" I stared at her, letting the workds sink in. Of course it was. I didn't know what to expect from Draco. Lucius Malfoy got what Lucius Malfoy wanted.

"Why don't you ask Malfoy since you've been so close with him lately," Hermione snarkily suggested.

My heart thundered in my chest at that accusation. "While you were so busy trying to change things, so was I!" I shot back, getting up from my bed to put on my cloak.

"Where are you going?"

"Well, they're back from Hogsmeade," I paused and in the distance, we could hear the Hogsmeade party coming up to the school. "And I've got a question to ask a special somebody apparently," I added, leaving the room before she could reply.

On the way down the Gryffindor Tower. I ran into Harry and Ron.

"Wherr are you going?" they asked, turning to follow me.

"Go ask Hermione," I replied, and they got the hint not to follow me.

When I reached the landing that led to the Slytherin dungeons, I lingered around waiting for him. When he showed himself, he walked straight past me flocked by his gang, Pansy's arm looped around his. His gaze flickered right past me. Right then and there, I suddenly felt silly. Why did I even bother with him? You've got to stop wasting time on him, I thought to myself. I slowly walked back to my room, hoping it was enough time for our tempers to settle. It had become quite a cycle this year for us. Not that our friendship was falling apart but between everything that was happening, we often found ourselves arguing one minute and heads pressed together to plan something the next.

As if there wasn't enough bad news to finish off the week, Harry managed to get his map confiscated by Lupin. Thank goodness for Lupin though. If not him, it would've been Snape.

"I'm so done with this stupid class!" Hermione screeched, knocking over the crystal ball that sat between us and gathering her books.

I had stopped paying attention in Divination long ago, and it was often Hermione who snapped me back into reality. Not anymore I guess. The class watched in silent shock as Hermione, the most brilliant witch of our age everyone said, stormed out of the classroom. I sat there trying to process what had just happened. Professor Trelawney seemed unfazed unfazed turned to me.

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