Chapter 21 - Late Nights

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Ron and Hermoine bickering was no strange thing but it had gotten so ridiculous this year and Harry was no help at all. No one seems to be on talking terms with anyone again. My parent's constant worry about Sirius Black and the dementors also stressed me out. I just needed to get away from everything. The only place where I could think of to go past hours was the 2nd floor bathroom. Myrtle, as always, was quick to come keep me company as I sat at the window ledge and stared out into the darkness. I frowned, wondering when Sirius Black would be finally recaptured, how everything with Hagrid and Buckbeak was going to end, which reminded me...if only that stupid Malfoy hadn't-

"Ooh, you've got a visitor, Crescent." Myrtle cooed, snapping me back to whatever she was saying to me. I had learned to tone her out quite well, but she wasn't joking tonight, standing in the doorway of the bathroom was the one and only Slytherin boy, his arm without a sling for once. I had gotten used to seeing it "injured" if I was being honest.

 "What are you doing here, Malfoy? Come to report me for being out of bed?" I sighed, not in the mood for it. The last thing I needed was detention. To my surprise he walked over to me and sat down next to me.

"No. And why don't you ever call me Draco," He smirked.

Where did that suddenly come from?? And then I remembered the brief moments we had shared when I'd lost my memory. If I wanted to find that side of him again, I'd have to go along along it, I guess. I couldn't find the words to resist him either so I just stared out the window again, now wondering where our rivalry twisted down a different path. "Answer my question, Draco." I emphasized his name this time.

"Well, I was here to get some alone time, but looks like my spot is pretty popular." Draco Malfoy needed alone time? I could feel his eyes boring into me. I finally turned to meet his gaze. There was loneliness and stress in his eyes. This wasn't the first time he had shown me his vulnerable side. "Why does a spoiled Slytherin Prince like you need alone time?"

"What did you just call me?" He craned his neck to get a better look of my face. I noticed he had leaned in closer.

I hesitated, realizing what had just slipped my mouth. "Slytherin prince," I cleared my throat, but my face was burning a little. How had I let that slip?

"Slytherin Prince? I like that. I will use that nickname more often," he noted, smirking but then his face fell. "If Gryffindor princesses need alone time, then so do princes."

I raised an eyebrow, "I imagine you get enough alone time at home. You have no siblings," I pointed out.

"That's the problem. My father is always on top of me. I can't ever be a disappointment or else he...he..." Draco trailed off, his eyes hardening. "Why am I even telling you this, Whitewing? Why is it always you?" He suddenly said, running his hand through his hair.

Draco didn't need to finish for me to figure it out. All the times Lucius passive aggressively talked to Draco in public. The prod of the cane if he stepped out of line. "Yea, why is it always me?" I echoed. I realized how much I knew about Draco that I wished I had let on. This guy was supposed to be my enemy. I grew up being taught our families despised one another. "Do ever wonder, in another universe, if we weren't stuck to the standards, we could've been friends?" I didn't mean to say it out loud but I had blurted it out and there was no taking it back.

Draco looked surprised but his face softened. "Did that just come out of Crescent Whitewing's mouth? Imagine if the school heard you? They'd think I placed a curse on you or something." He chuckled and I smiled. For the first time since he sat down next to me, I realized how close we were. The air suddenly felt a little too warm and the cold breeze suddenly felt refreshing in turn.

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