Chapter 6 - Christmas Break

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"I guess you can't go home for your holidays when you got no family," Draco taunted, rounding the Gryffindor table.

"Go away, Malfoy. If I had parents like yours, I wouldn't either," I snapped.

"And what exactly are you doing over the break, Whitewing?" 

"None of your business," I grabbed my trunk, ready to head out, wondering why he was suddenly curious. 

He shrugged and then left us alone, heading towards the exit. Pansy Parkinson–the girl who always clung into his arm–followed hot in pursuit. It was kinda funny seeing Draco suffer from the attention of someone after all the times we had the center of attention during our arguments. 

"See you guys after break, I'll send cards and presents!" I blew Ron and Harry kisses from across the room and Hermione said her goodbyes before we raced out to the train. 

Time flew on the train and before we knew it, we had reunited with our parents. 

"Cress!" My mother welcomed me into her arms. "Excited for break?"

I nodded, turning to see Hermione waving me goodbye as she left with her parents. I waved back and followed my parents back towards the exit. When we reached the column to leave platform 9 and 3/4, someone rudely stepped into our way. Or, rather, Lucius's cane almost tripped me.

"Lucius, if you could watch where you're going next time," my father commented, his voice clam but his eyes blazing. "I would also appreciate it if you left my daughter alone."

The Malfoy family blocked our way as Lucius faced my father. Draco stuck his tongue out as Narcissa left first, pulling Draco with her. "My bad," Lucius responded before following his family out. 

"They're not worth it, Laurence," My mom reassured him as we walked through. 

"I know, Amberly. He's just jealous I got a pay raise," he looked at me and winked, back to his playful self. 

I giggled, following my parents to our car as I began my long story of all that had happened from the beginning till break.  

My parents revealed that we would be taking a trip to France  for the break which I was elated for. The trip went by fast with activities like magical creature sightseeing and shopping through many French wizarding destinations. The final few days before break ended, we returned to stay at the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley so my father could meet up with some co-workers to talk about work related stuff.

My parents gave me the freedom to roam around since I basically knew Diagon Alley like the back of my hand. Upon returning back to our room one day, I found that both my parents were out. I had only set down my bag when the door open after someone muttered an "alohomora". 

"Stupid key, doesn't ever work," the boy held up the key to the light as if to examine what was wrong with it. 

"What are you doing in my room, Malfoy?" I screamed, throwing a pillow at him. 

Draco Malfoy looked at me in surprise and then around, his face turning red in an instant. "I-what-you-" he stammered, backing out.

"No wait. What are you doing here seriously?" I asked, I had not expected to see his face over Christmas break. 

"Father is here for Ministry matters, I'm sure that's why you're here too," he said, still embarrassed that he had walked into the wrong room. 

I laughed. "Well, this explains why the key didn't work," I suggested, motioning to the room around me. "Whitewing territory, Malfoy."

"I know. I know," he buried his face into his hands. 

I had never seen him so embarrassed before. We also hadn't lasted this long ever without already had thrown fifty insults at each other. "You should wipe that ugly smirk off your face. You look nicer otherwise," I covered my mouth as soon as those words were said. Did I just say my thoughts out loud?

"What?" Draco looked at me like I had grown antlers. A slight smile crossed his face before it turned back into a smirk. "That makes the two of us."

Ah yes, both of us had just embarrassed ourselves in the matter of minutes. His face suddenly hardened, "Don't tell anyone about this incident and I'll convince Snape to make potions easier for you?" he offered.

Was Draco Malfoy making a deal with me? "Bet," I pointed to the door: his cue to leave.

He smirked again and backed out the room, not breaking eye contact with me until he was completely in the hallway. 

"Ten points to Gryffindor for that incident, by the way," I added, waving my wand and the door closed in his face. Why not? I thought, we had already spent all year giving ourselves imaginary house points.

I sat back down on the couch. What and why had I just blurted out my thoughts to him? Just then Starlet flew through the open window with a letter in her mouth. I grabbed it and rustled through my suitcase until I found owl treats before skipping back to my room. The letter was from Harry.


Remember when Hagrid told us about Fluffy and Nicolas Flamel? Then, guess what I received on Christmas? My dad's invisibility cloak! So I used it to get into the restricted section of the library to try and find some information about Nicolas Flamel and whatever the secret may be at Hogwarts. I didn't find anything but I did come across the Mirror of Erised and saw my parents in it. Anyways, we can talk more when break is over. Thanks for the gifts too!


An invisibility cloak? That sounded pretty cool. I thought about writing back to tell Harry and Ron what had just happened with Draco, but then realized I had already promised I couldn't tell anyone. That is, if he kept his side of the promise.

The morning my family and I left Leaking Cauldron, we quickly bid farewell to father's co-workers, Lucius being one of them. Draco smirked at me and raised his eyebrow, and I returned it. I guess we would see who was the first to break.

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