Chapter 17 - Breaking News

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I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying your summer and having fun on your trip! You really deserve it after last year. I'm so tempted to go and buy all the chocolate frogs at the sweets store to collect collect last French Chocolate Frog card I'm missing. You got me hooked on collecting them all after first year!! Anyways, let me know when we'll be meeting at Leaky Cauldron!

Summer needs a speeding ticket,


Guess what Cress?

I'm sure you've heard but father won the 700 Galleons and we're going on a trip to Egypt! I honestly can't believe he he it and to think mother was making fun of of for entering a few weeks ago. We'd invite you if you weren't already in the Netherlands! I'll definitely be back before our Leaky Cauldron meet up though.

From the best,


I laughed to myself as I imagined Hermione convinced her muggle parents to let her buy boxes of chocolate frogs and Aunt Molly's reaction when Uncle Arthur won the prize draw. Everyone seemed to be having a great summer. Well, everyone except Harry. At least we were able to send letters to him this year and get replies. We were just shy a few weeks from the beginning of our third year at Hogwarts.

I grabbed my quill, ready to write back about the Netherlands Ministry of Magic my father had stopped by at, my brother Archer's girlfriend and a time to meet up at Leaky Cauldron. After I sent Starlet off with my letters, I got ready to follow my family out to dinner. It was a nice dinner, except my father seemed to have his mind concentrated elsewhere.

I was correct because one day I woke up to my mother letting me know that we would have to cut our trip short because they needed my father back at the Ministry. We only had a few days left so I didn't mind too much, but when I saw the newspaper that morning, I realized this was no simple matter my father was going back for.


"He was one of Voldemort's most loyal followers, and was merciless. He took down so many innocent lives and now he's escaped from Azkaban," I emphasized. "Azkaban, Harry! He's...he's going to stop at nothing to get to you," I lowered my voice towards the end.

"I know...Mr. Weasley told me," he sighed. For someone who was the target of a serial killer, Harry seemed decently calm. "But with Dumbledore there, I'll be safe. Not even Sirius Black would dare to come near Hogwarts," he stubbornly reasoned.

I shook my head. Perhaps, but I would think we all knew better. Or at least, my parents knew what the Death Eaters were capable of, they were ruthless and stopped at nothing. And Sirius Black was dangerous enough to escape from Azkaban. The Ministry still don't know how he managed.

"Hermione!" Ron sharply yelped. "Get your crazy cat away from my rat!"

"Crookshanks isn't crazy!" Hermione argued back, pulling her ginger pet away from Scabbers.

I smiled, trying to lessen the tension between them. "All the more proof that owls that the superior pets," I joked as Starlet hooted in agreement in her cage.

The four of us slowed to a stop as we came up to the column between platform 9 and platform 10. I looked behind us for our parents locked in a deep conversation.

"I suppose we go first," I suggested, readying my trolley.

Hermione nodded, "right behind you."

Once I crossed the barrier, I was greeted with the familiar chatter of families and the rumble of the locomotive engine. Despite the breaking news that had made it to the front pages, the mood here buzzed with liveliness and not a worry.

Right before I boarded, my parents pulled me aside for one last exchange. "Stay safe, princess. I don't mean to alarm you, but he's out there until he's caught," my father warned.

"Look after Harry, but also look out for yourself. I know you four have a tendency to run straight into trouble," my mother winked at me and pulled me into a hug.

"I will! I'll write as often as I can as always," I said as I hurried aboard, one of the last to get on.

I found the trio sitting in one of the last cabins with someone who seemed to be sleeping in the corner.

"All the other ones were full," Hermione explained as she scooted over in her seat for me.

"Who's he?" I whispered, leaning forward to get a better view of the name stamped onto his suitcase.

Professor Lupin. Lupin? I've seen and heard that name somewhere but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. We made sure to chat in hushed whispers as to not wake up Professor Lupin when the train came to a stop. Around us, the atmosphere grew gloomy and dark, frost began to form as the windows iced over. 

"What's happening?" Ron asked, poking his head out our cabin, only to find that everyone else was just as confused. 

"Look outside," I gasped, trying to defog to window to see what the shadowy figures were floating outside. 

We sat in fear until a large bony hand slid the rest of our cabin door open. The air felt heavy, like there was something weighing me down, like there was nothing else in the world left but sadness. I watched un horror as a smoky and cloaked figure paused in front of Harry. Harry winced as it leaned down to his face. He rubbed his scar and closed his eyes but the figure only moved closer as if to suck Harry's face off. Right before it did, Harry passed out and a flash of blue filled the cabin. 

In a split second the dementor retreated and the downcast aura left as quickly as it came. Professor Lupin was awake and tucked away his wand. "Dementors," he told us. 

So that's what dementors looked like? "I thought they guarded Azkaban? What are they doing here?"

Professor Lupin smiled at me, "There was a breakout from Azkaban, no? The Ministry wants him caught and Dumbledore wants you safe," he  responded. "Although they normally leave us alone, you friend here is a special case."

"Well, thanks for saving us, Professor Lupin," Hermione stared down the train wearily before sliding our cabin door closed. "I'm Hermione Granger."

"I'm Ron Weasley," Ron followed up.

"I'm Crescent Whitewing," I introduced next.

"I suppose you don't remember me, Crescent, but I don't blame you. The last time we met was when you were just a baby," Professor Lupin replied, amusement glittering in his eyes. "I was good friends with Laurence, but he had his own group of friends, his own group of trouble. I imagine you know about all his run-ins with Lucius Malfoy?" 

Something in my mind clicked. The name I'd seen on a couple of my parent's old photographs and yearbooks. I nodded, "I've been having my own troubles with Draco Malfoy," I muttered.

"As expected. Hopefully, that youngster doesn't go running down the path his father did...Your father really didn't tell you I was coming to teach at Hogwarts?" He sounded offended.

I shook my head, trying to remember if he ever did and maybe I just wasn't listening, but then Professor Lupin let out a barking laugh, "I'm joking, Crescent. Your father's busy, I can only imagine the mess at the Ministry right now," he chuckled before rummaging through his bag for something.

Harry stirred, running his scar as he sat up. Professor Lupin presented him with a bar of chocolate, "easy now, have some chocolate, it helps," he offered.

Harry looked confused, but slowly took it. "Did you guys hear the screaming?" He asked.

We stared at him, "no?" I responded. "We also didn't faint either."

Harry stared back at us, still a little disoriented and I had a turning feeling in my stomach that this year was going to be nowhere near normal.

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