Chapter 24 - Quidditch World Cup

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"Stay close, Cress, I don't want you to get lost," my mother said as we overlooked the thousands of tents set up across the plains.

My heart raced, I was so excited for the world cup and even more excited that I would be seeing the trio again. I had waited all summer for this. Not to mention, Viktor Krum was going to be playing. He was such a quidditch star, in my opinion. Although, I had to admit, Ron and Harry were probably bugger fans of him than me.

The place buzzed with magic and happy vibes. Witches and wizards mixed and mingled, I gazed at all the different tents in awe, knowing each of them lead to mansions worth of space. Before I knew it, I had lost my parents in the crowd. I sighed, looking for the Weasley flag my mother said Aunt Molly would be flying just in case any of us got lost. That anyone being me.

I spotted it right away, smiling at the typical Weasley red that was recognizable anywhere. I kept my eyes on the flag: a mistake I realized a little too late as I ran head first into someone's chest.

"I'm so sorry...Malfoy?!" I could only imagine how red I looked at the moment.

"You've got to drop Malfoy and just start calling me Draco," He raised an eyebrow at me and helped me up. "Surprised to see you alone," he looked around, probably expecting Harry, Hermione and Ron.

Even after last year, it still felt weird being on friendlier terms with him. Especially because our parents didn't know and our friends didn't understand.

"I was just making my way to them," I explained, brushing grass off my skirt. "I guess I'll see you at school," I said, nodding at him before going on my way again. One summer and he's changed again, appearance wise. I couldn't believe I was thinking it, but Draco had become quite handsome. I just wished his attitude towards my friends had developed that positively too. Over the summer, we'd secretly exchanged a couple letters, mostly talking about how much how families hated each other but then how we realized the other wasn't as bad as our parents had made us out to be.

"Wait, before you go...who are you rooting for?" he asked, his eyes twinkling. I knew what he meant.

"Bulgaria, and you?"

"I believe Ireland's going to be the winner of this bet," he replied, "You'll be owing me an entire day at Hogsmeade."

"An entire Hogsmeade trip? Haven't you got any other friends?" I groaned overdramatically.

"Sometimes I regret ever letting my guard down, a friendly Whitewing is more annoying than a rival one," he sighed.

"We could always go back to the good old days," I shrugged, making a move to leave. He didn't stop me this time, neither agreeing to or denying my statement. 

"Crescent Whitewing." Aunt Molly scolded as I ducked underneath the tent flap. "I cannot believe that you, of all people, managed to get lost not even five minutes here!" She exclaimed. Behind her, Harry, Ron and Hermione laughed as Aunt Molly squeezed the air out of me.

"Even Harry didn't get lost!" Hermione teased me as I unpacked my bags. "What took you do long?"

Draco Malfoy I wanted to say, but I kept my mouth shut.


Draco's POV

We arrived at the stadium a little later than expected, but that didn't matter. My father had tickets to the Top Box section, it had the best view and only for the higher and more respected wizards. While most wizards and witches had dressed in the colors of the team they supporting, my family opted to stay formal and black. There was no need making a fool of ourselves, as father had stated. He seemed to take the fun out of events like these, honestly. 

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