Chapter 3 - Classes

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I had been pretty excited for Potions class until I found out we had it with Gryffindor house's best friends, the Slytherins. The fact that Snape was the teacher made it all the more unbearable. Already, not even 10 minutes into class, he had put Harry on the spot and ignored Hermione's eager hand several times.

I propped my elbow on the desk and leaned my head against my hand, bored out if my mind listening to Snape's monotone voice. All I could think about was how much I wanted to wipe off the smug grin off of Draco's face every time Gryffindor had already lost points just as many as Slytherin had gained. Talk about playing favorites, Draco was no doubt one of them.

"Since you appear so invested in my lecture, Ms. Whitewing, would you mind telling the class how to brew a Beautification potion."

I snapped back into reality, realizing that my attention had drifted from whatever Snape was saying. "What potion?" I asked, already forgetting the question already.

Snape's eyes bore into mine, clearly annoyed at me. They held a permanent threatening gleam, as if to constantly remind us Gryffindors that he could take off points whenever he wished.

"Beautification potion," he repeated dryly. "Might I remind you that I catch you daydreaming again, you'll be losing more points for your house." he warned.

"Yes, Professor. A beautification potion is brewed with fairy wings, morning dew, rose petals, lady's mantle, unicorn hair, ginger roots and boomslang skin. It is supposed to make make drinker more beautiful, hence the name," I answered, secretly glad that the page my textbook had been randomly flipped open to was on the page of the exact potion he had asked me about. Hopefully he didn't notice the flicker of my eyes down to the page. And if he did, he let it go because he turned and walked back to the front of the classroom.

"Brains, not beauty, will get you through my class," he commented and I'm pretty sure that was directed at me. I shrugged and flipped my hair over my shoulders.

It felt like ages until class finally ended. On my way out, Draco pushed past me. "5 more points for Slytherin," he snickered, mimicking Snape.

"Pity points probably, since no one else wants to give them to Slytherin," I shrugged and stalked past him, and Ron, Harry and Hermione trailed after me.

Our next class was with Madam Hooch, our flying instructor. I had never flown on a broom before, but I had been to enough Quidditch games to see the courage and guts you needed to have in order to master the skill of flying.

In no time, Madam Hooch had us lined up in two rows. How is it that we had almost every class with the Slytherins was one question I wish someone had explained to me. Standing across from me, was of course, who else? Draco Malfoy. It's as if I can't get rid of him. No wonder my parents and his often clashed back in their school days. He wiggled his eyebrows as if to challenge me.

"Up!" He yelled loudly, holding his hand above the handle of the broom.



"UP!" Besides me, the broomstick rose sharply, hitting Ron square in the face. I stifled my laughter while Ron shot Harry a glare. For Harry, it was a pleasant surprise that he got his broomstick to obey him right away.

"Up!" I commanded once again. This time, I felt my hand wrap around the rough wooden handle of the broomstick and I smiled. Looking around, I saw that not many had achieved it yet and I was still one of the first. Hermione was of the ones who was still shouting "Up!"

I guess that's one thing she isn't good at so far. Draco had just caught his and was throwing his broomstick from one hand to the other, spinning the broomstick as he passed it, chest puffed out as he proudly watched his classmates struggle.

"Five points for Gryffindor, since I think I was faster in grabbing my broomstick," I pretended to be thinking hard about the decision. "Maybe even 10 points, if you ask me."

He didn't get a chance to reply as Madam Hooch walked to stand in between us to give the next directions. "Now after you mount them, when I blow the whistle, I want everyone to push off the ground. No actual flying yet, I just want you all to hover."

We all nodded our heads as we waited for her countdown, but before she even got to "one", Neville began to rise on his broomstick. It didn't look like he had full control of it though. In what seemed like a forever, we all watched as Neville flew up in the air, zigzagged across and loop the archways of the building quite a few times before he crash landed against the wall. I winced as he whimpered in pain, looking pretty shaken up.

"I want everyone to keep their feet firmly on the ground until I come back," Madam Hooch demanded, carrying Neville in her arms. "I'll be taking a trip to the hospital wing, please behave yourselves."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Draco pick up Neville's remembrall. He threw it up and caught it with his hands again, snickering. "Did you guys see his face?"

"Give it here, Malfoy," Harry pushed past a couple students.

Draco turned around to face Harry. What a punchable face he has, I thought to myself as he replied with a big fat "No" and launched himself into the air. That, I had to admit, was quite impressive. Harry mounted his broomstick as well, not backing from Draco's challenge.

"Harry! You can't, you'll get in trouble. Madam Hooch said to stay put until she got back. Besides you don't even know how to-" Harry ignored her as he blasted off after Draco.

"" Hermione sighed, rolling her eyes, but I could tell she was in awe.

They were flying so fast and far, I was squinting to see what was happening in the sky until Draco started back towards us without Neville's remembrall. I looked past him and saw Harry catch swing up abruptly as he grabbed something from the air swiftly.

Any other first year or first time flier would've fell straight off, but Harry sat stably on his broom and held up the remembrall as he landed, earning an ugly face from Draco. Our celebration was cut short, however, when Professor McGonagall asked Harry to come with her and the rest of us were left standing there awkwardly.

"I reckon Potter got himself detention already," Draco sneered as his peers nodded agreeing.

"And whose fault is that?" I stepped forward. "You took Neville's remembrall. Maybe if you could shut you mouth for once and kept your insecurities to yourself, people would actually like you," I snapped.

Our classmates fell silent as the two of us bickering, afraid to pipe up and say something. Even Hermione was quiet.

"Did you just say I have insecurities?" He raged, throwing his broomstick down. "My father will hear about this, Whitewing."

"You heard what I said. Why else would anyone bully another for fun and I hope your father does hear about this as well. Then he can get you a counselor for your inner struggles."


"Ms. Whitewing, Mr. Malfoy!" Madam Hooch came rushing back, shaking her head. "Knock it off at once. You're in my class to learn to fly, not to throw remarks at each other," her eyes scanned over us. "Now who has Neville's remembrall? I need that returned to him," she said, still glancing around for it.

"Ask Malfoy," I muttered under my breath.

"Harry? Where's Harry Potter?" Madame Hooch exclaimed as she realized he was gone.

"In trouble for flying unsupervised, Madam," Draco answered, shooting me another smirk.

"Professor McGonagall took him with her after he caught Neville's remembrall because Draco threatened to leave it on the roof," Hermione corrected.

Madame stared at us in disbelief and after a couple seconds of silence, she sucked in a tight breath. "I'll have to check with her myself then. Class dismissed for today."

Draco stuck his tongue out at me before turning and shuffling back towards the building after his housemates.

How obnoxious.

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