Chapter 7 - Detention

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"Look at these French chocolate frogs!" I gushed, spreading out my collection of the cards. "I got them after Christmas so here are yours now," I explained, handing Hermione, Harry and Ron each three packs. 

"That's it!" Harry perked up from his spot from the armchair. "That's where I saw his name! Nicolas Flamel was on one of the chocolate frogs!" Harry dug through his desk until he pulled out Dumbledore's. "It's says here, Dumbledore's alchemy partner, Nicolas Flamel."

This revelation had us all excited and up on our feet, racing to the library in seconds. Sometime during our search at the library, Hermione had disappeared off somewhere but soon she returned with a huge tattered book.

"I never thought to look in this. I took it out for a bit of light reading a few weeks ago," Hermione pushed the book towards us, flipped to the page of the Philosopher's stone.

"You call this light reading?" Ron was seriously judging Hermione's sanity.

I nudged him and then cleared my throat and read the first line, "Nicolas Flamel, a famous alchemist and the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone, which can turn any metal into gold and produce the Elixir of Life-"

"A potion that can make the drinker immortal," Ron interrupted me. He held up a chocolate frog card from the pack he had just unwrapped. "Looks like he actually gets a card in the French chocolate frogs!"

"What a coincidence," I chuckled. "So now the question has changed: is the Philosopher's stone what Fluffy is guarding?"

"Seems like it," Hermione scratches the back of her head, flipping to the next page. "It gives you immortality, I can see why someone would want to steal it."

"Harry, there you are! Quidditch practice starts in five, don't want you to be late now," we all turned at the voice. It belonged to Oliver Wood, only his head visible as he peeked in.

"Right, gotta go guys. Talk about it alter," Harry got up to leave.

We all decide to put off finding anymore information until we had Harry back with us, but practice ran later than usual. Probably because the next match was in a couple days.

Two days later, it was time for the Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff match. We arrived there extra early to grab front row seats, but it seem liked others had the same idea too. Our group ended up sitting right next to Malfoy's group.

"You know how I think choose people for the Gryffindor team?" said Malfoy loudly as Snape awarded Hufflepuff another penalty for no reason. "It's people they feel sorry for. See, there's Potter, who's got no parents, then there's the Weasleys, who've got no money–you should be on the team, Longbottom, you've got no brains,"

"I'm worth twelve of you, Malfoy," Neville stammered.

"You tell him, Neville," I took my eyes off the field for a second to glare at Draco. "I feel sorry for you that you've got an over controlling father and having nothing better to do except pick on the brilliant wizards and witches of Gryffindor," 

"Says the one associating with the Weasleys. Your family live like royalty while they live on scraps, funny-" 

I widened my eyes as Ron dove straight at Draco, wresting him to the ground. Neville hestitated, then clambered over the back of his seat to help. I winced as Ron gave Draco a big fat punch in the eye. 

No one could hear the screams and punches thrown above the roar of the stadium. "Ron, that's enough, you're going to get hurt," I tried to pull Ron back but he tried to shake me off.

"Not until he's beaten into a pulp," he growled.

I ignored his protests and locked my arms around his waist, pulling him back. "You're going to get a month's worth of detention!" I exclaimed, begging for him to stop. 

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