Chapter 46 - "Death"

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Cress's POV

When the floor gave away, someone had caught me, but everything occurred in a fast blur, I couldn't remember what had happened or when my world went black. The last thing I saw was the ceiling crumbling down on Draco, my and friends as they looked over the hole as I fell.

The next thing I knew, I was walking up a familiar spiral staircase. There was no sound except for my shoes climbing the stairs. When I came to a huge set of doors, I furrowed my brows in confusion as I pushed them open to Dumbledore's office. Or rather, the Headmaster's office. Dumbledore was long gone now, yet it also seemed like yesterday, that he was still here. 

"Hello?" I cautiously stepped deeper into the room. The portraits were all empty, not a single soul to be seen. What was I even doing here? I should be out in the courtyard, helping them fight off Death Eaters! I suddenly thought, but my legs would not turn back around. 

"I was starting to think that I had made a mistake..."

I whipped around to see Snape standing next to shallow stone basin, filled with a silvery, cloudy substance. 

"What are you doing here?" I went to reach for my wand, but found it missing.

"No need for that, Crescent. I'd thought yo would've learned to trust me at this point. You gave up your trust so easily to Draco." He said, with no mockery, to my surprise. "Come, Crescent. I want you to see a few things before I depart."

My legs brought me before the Pensieve. I remembered that I read somewhere that it allows you to revisit memories. "What–"

"All your questions will be answered in here," he motioned to the billowing cloud-like liquid. 

I dipped my face into the Pensieve, my stomach turning as it sucked me in. I watched speechlessly as Snape and Dumbledore stood before me, discussing the protection and future of Harry Potter. Watching as Snape begged Dumbledore to protect Lily Potter, watching as his doe bounded across the office, watching as all the things he's done to keep Harry safe throughout the years finally became clear. He had been loyal to Dumbledore all this time. Dumbledore's death was planned. 

When the scene before me faded away, I was left in the darkness, waiting to be sucked out, except it never happened. Then, my surroundings shaped into Snape's classroom. Draco appeared before Snape.

"Please, if you want to help me, then help me protect Cress. Keep her safe and away from him." he begged Snape.

"I vowed to watch over you and complete the task if you shall fail. I did not vow to protect her." He answered, the usual coldness in his voice wasn't there however.

"You can hate her family, her friends, even her, but can't you protect her just this once?" Draco pushed desperately. I studied his face. This must've been last year.

"And what about the future? Is she worth it?" Snape challenged. "You'll die if the Dark Lord finds out that you're protecting her."

"She's my world. I love her! Haven't you ever loved someone before?" Draco snapped suddenly, taking a step towards Snape.

There was silence, then a quiet "yes." Snape turned his back on Draco. "I will think about it."

I would've never guessed until I saw Snape's memories, that this whole time, he had loved Lily. What must it be like? To have to protect the the son of someone you loved and someone you loathed? The scene shifted to Dumbledore's office again. 

"Poor boy. I think you already have the answer in your heart, Severus. Love can be more powerful than any magic," Dumbledore gave Snape a knowing look.

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