Chapter 41 - On The Run

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We arrived at 4 Privet Drive in the dead of the night. Harry's relatives were already long gone. After going over the plan and becoming seven Harrys, we set out to the Burrow. I mounted my broomstick and was one of the last to take off. We flew above the clouds peacefully for a while before spells began shooting at us from every direction. Coils of dark smoke flew by us. What were the Death Eaters doing here? How did they know?

I lost sight of Hermione, who was in front of me as a Death Eater swopped down, almost making me fall off my broomstick. I blocked another spell coming from the right, barely avoiding colliding with Moody. 

In another flash of green, he disappeared underneath the clouds and I found myself all alone again. "Not so fast, Harry Potter!" someone sneered advancing on me. He pointed his wand at me, but before I could even defend myself, he cried in pain and plunged down into the earth. 

Replaced by him with Snape, his black eyes stared back at me, wand pointed. Dumbledore had trusted him so much, yet Snape had killed him. This whole time, we had a traitor among us. "What were you actually trying to do, reading into my mind that night?" I asked, forgetting I still looked like Harry in the moment.

No reply again. Snape withdrew his wand and swerved back into the clouds, his gaze never leaving me until he was gone. When I broke through the barrier at the Burrow, my mother was already there to catch me as I stumbled off the broomstick. Why did Snape spare me? Did he attack his fellow Death Eater, unless I had suddenly learned how to cast spells without my wand? 

I had gotten through uninjured, but that could not be said for everyone. Moody and Hedwig had been killed, and George had lost an ear. At least, Harry was safe. Safe and upset that the plan had gone wrong and that we were risking our lives for him. In order to keep our minds off of the impending mission, Aunt Molly kept us busy with wedding preparations. 

The day before the wedding, the Minister of Magic, Rufus Scrimgeour arrived to see us. "I am here, as I'm sure you know, because of Albus Dumbledore's will," he informed us. 

He removed a scroll of parchment which he unrolled and read aloud."'The Last Will and Testament of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore'..."

By the end of the presentation, Ron had, in his possession, the Deluminator, Hermione had received Dumbledore's copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, and Harry had obtained the Snitch he caught in his first Quidditch match at Hogwarts. 

"And to Crescent Whitewing, I leave a most mysterious rose quartz amulet in hope she will unlock its great power that I have never been able to discover."

The light pink gem was coiled in thin golden wires which extended out into a chain. It was rather rough with ragged edges, nothing like the smooth, clear-cut gems in the jewelry my mother always wore. I curiously accepted it, wondering how a necklace like this held any type of magic. If Dumbledore couldn't figure out its purpose, how could I? 

"There is one more thing..." Scrimgeour put away the will. "Dumbledore wanted to give you the Sword of Gryffindor,"

"And? Where is it, the sword belong to Harry!" Hermione retorted.

"Unfortunately, the sword was not his to give away," Scrimgeour concluded. 

Hermione continued to argue with him but Scrimgeour eventually got up and left. After explaining to my parents and Aunt Molly what the Minister wanted with us, we retreated to our rooms. 

"What do you think it does?" I asked Hermione. The necklace dangled around my neck now.

"No idea, but it sure does look pretty!" she furrowed her brows, "All I know though, is that rose quartz is especially powerful when worn close to the heart."

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