Chapter 9 - End of First Year

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When word of what the four of us had done, we were greeted warm-heartedly even at King's Cross.

"Take care, Harry. I'll write and send tokens from my trips," I gave him a quick hug as did Hermione and Ron.

"Oh, Cress, sweetheart, I'm so glad you guys are safe! What you did was very brave and prevented something bad from happening, but don't ever go throwing yourself into harm's way like that again!" Aunt Molly scolded as she swept me into a hug when Harry and Hermione had departed. Ron rolled his eyes as he stood back.

"Kids will be kids, Molly. We were definitely a handful back in our days," my mother chuckled.

"Yes, yes, but trouble comes in many shapes, ways and forms, Amberly. Now, I'll see you soon when you come visit?" She gave me a knowing look and I nodded happily.

Trouble comes in many shapes, ways and forms. Her words rang in my head as my father came back with my owl cage and luggage. On the other end of the station stood the boy I had way too many encounters with already. Oh, he was trouble alright.


Hey Harry!

How's summer looking for you with your muggle family? Hopefully responding to our letters will keep you busy and away from them. I'm sure you'll have to write a book back to Hermione! Summer is speeding way too fast for my liking, but I also can't wait to go back and see everyone again! Everyone except Malfoy, of course.

Hear from you soon,



Is it just me or has Harry not been responding to your messages? I've sent him quite a few and thought maybe his muggles wouldn't let him. But it's not like Harry to ignore us either. It could also be that Starlet hasn't gotten used to traveling to the muggle world and back, but she's made it back each time which means she must've delivered it.

See you soon,



I've been wondering the same. What if something bad has happened to Harry? I've written one about every single week and no reply! At first I thought maybe I'd had overwhelmed him with all my letters and questions, but even so, Ron has replied to me before he has!

With love,


Bloody Hell, Ron

I think Aunt Molly would kill you if you took Uncle Arthur's car to go "rescue" Harry. Besides, what would muggles think of a flying car?!
If I can't convince you otherwise, be careful then. Hopefully when I come to the Burrow next week, I'm arriving to an annual family reunion and not Ronald Weasley's funeral.

Your favorite cousin,


"Harry!" I dropped all my luggage as I rushed to him. "We thought something had happened to you! You didn't reply to any of our letters all summer!" I exclaimed.

"It's a long story...a house elf named Dobby came and tried to prevent me from going back to Hogwarts," he explained, scratching his head, not quite sure himself what it meant.

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