Chapter 30 - End of 4th Year

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The pebble skidded across the surface of the water, creating several ripples before sinking into the depths of the Black Lake. "That's a new record," Draco commented, sitting against the willow tree whose branches grew into an overhang above the lake. ""I never made it bounce more than three times."

I turned from my spot at the edge of the water. He was wearing all black just as he had when we were at the Quidditch World Cup, except today, black was the proper attire. I made my way back to him and sat down next to him in the shade, straightening our creases in my black dress. He wrapped him arms around me and sighed. "I know what's bothering you, Cress,"

"He's back, Draco. This changes everything," I closed my eyes and leaned back, trying to soak in the last of the calm before the storm.

"You believe him, don't you? Every last word," he murmured. I could sense him staring at me. We were both just as conflicted.

"You know better than to trust Rita Skeeter's article. No one lies more than she does," I replied, finally opening my eyes to look at him. Why couldn't we just have normal year in peace? "Harry told me something else too."

Draco raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to continue.

"He said Lucius was there during the whole thing," I said carefully. Draco's weight shifted under me as he sat up straighter, his eyes hardened.

"He could've been saying that just to drive us apart," Draco searched for words to say.

"You and I both know what type of person your father is and who he supports, Draco,"

"I'm not my father, Cress. I won't let this pull us apart," he pleaded, knowing the soft spot I had grown to have for him. I thought back to Valentine's Day when he had first uttered those three words to me...

         "Cress, up here!" 

        I peered up the spaces between the spiral staircase to see a pair of shining grey eyes staring down at me. I grinned and raced up the stairs of the Astronomy Tower, leaping into the arms of the one and only. "What was wrong with the bathroom? Myrtle will miss us tonight," I asked when he let go of me.

       "It's Valentine's Day! Well, it's night now. I didn't want anyone or any ghost to intrude our special time together," he pulled out a box his robe and handed it to me.

       A red bow sat on top of the box, calling me to untie it. When I lifted the lid, I smiled at the sight of its contents. The inside was lined with roses, but the center of the box held heart shaped chocolates. "Aww, you didn't have to, your card was enough," I exclaimed, pulling one of the roses out to sniff.

       "But you got tons of other cards like you do every year, and I couldn't give you a gift in front of everyone without them knowing we're more than friends," he then pulled me out onto the balcony. "And besides, we never get this kind of view from the 2nd floor bathroom."

       He was right, the shimmering stars appeared so much closer,  sprinkled across the dark cloudless night sky. He pulled me closer to him when I shivered as the cold wind bit my skin. It was not quite spring yet.

       "That's you," I whispered, tracing the stars in the sky that made up the constellation he was named after.

       "Make sure you don't loose the moon while counting the stars," His warm breath tickled the tip of my ear. Dangling in the sky alongside the thousand stars was the Crescent moon.

       "On nights like these, your eyes shine brighter than any star in the sky," I said fondly, meeting his gaze.

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