Chapter 45 - The Return

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Draco's POV

"Feels good to be back," Cress commented as we apparated into an eerily empty corridor. Although, I spoke too soon as mere seconds later, a stampede of footsteps stormed in our direction. We stepped aside and I saw someone of my fellow Slytherin friends among the crowd. They were all worried and panicked that they didn't even realize we were there. I grabbed Crabbe and Zabini. and pulled them into the next hallway over.

"What are you doing here?" Zabini asked, but his eyes were on Cress. "So what the Daily Prophet reported is true then?" he added.

Cress rolled her eyes and scoffed, "You obviously don't know that well enough if you can believe that crap. I'm leaving."

"To where?" I stepped in her way as he eyes scanned the crowd in a concentrated manner.

"To find Harry and my friends, of course!" she said, pushing past me.

"But we have to find the diadem and head back!" I gulped, reminding her of what we were here for. I feared she would run back to her friends, but she would end up dead.

"Head back? Are you insane, Draco? Have you forgotten that I'm not under his curse? I'm going to find Harry and we'll find the diadem and destroy it," she eyed Crabbe and Zabini. "I can tell that's not what you had in mind. When are you going to stand up for yourself, Draco?" she sighed, conflicted. "Let's fight him together," she looked up at me. 

"I knew she wasn't loyal! You won't stand a chance against him! We'll come find the diadem with you Draco, and when we do, the Dark Lord will reward us and our families greatly," Crabbe said, nudging me.

Voldemort doesn't reward people. No, he tortures and makes them fear him. But if you shall fail, Draco, he'll kill us all. My mother had warned me, pleaded me even when Snape had supposedly placed Cress under his Imperius curse. She knew Cress was my greatest weakness.

Cress seemed to sense my hesitation, the sorrow in her eyes was undeniable as she backed away from me. "I don't have time for this anymore. I'll find them alone then...I hope we never face each other on the battlefield...Draco," her voice cracked as she turned and ran in the opposite direction.

I reached my arm out, starting to chase after her when Crabbe pulled me back. "She's not worth it man, come one, let's go find what the Dark Lord needs and head out before this place blows up," he said impatiently.

"Alright," I said, leading them to the Room of Requirement, although my mind was still on her. I kept disappointing her over and over again. Why couldn't I chose as easily as she had? She never gave up on me, a coward who was too scared of death. I think now though, losing her was worse than death. Heartache was worse than death. We had only been reunited just to walk separate paths again.

When we reached the Room of Requirement, we started ransacked the place, going through whatever we saw to try and find the diadem. Panic rose in me as my throat closed up. This was another suicide mission. How could I possibly find a stupid diadem in this room?

I pressed my finger to my lips as I suddenly heard something. I motioned Crabbe and Zabini back to me as we rounded a pile of old trunks. Potter was standing by a table with Weasley and Granger, holding a small tiara-like object in his hands. "I think that belongs to me, Potter," I said, steeping out.

"You! How dare you show your face here!" Granger cried furiously, whipping out her wand.

"What did you do to Cress?" Weasley added, his voice dripping with anger.

"She's better with me. She's safer than she'll ever be!" I retorted, raising my wand. "Now just give me the diadem and -" I ducked as Weasley shot a spell at me.

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