Chapter 14 - The Creature

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Cress's POV

"How's our Gryffindor Princess feeling? Heard you got pretty sick," Lavender plopped down onto the seat next to me.

"Great now that I'm not stuck inside the hospital wing!" I patted my bag full of books and work, "Although, I have all this to catch up on."

"You can always have my notes if you want," she offered.

Hermione cleared her throat behind Lavender, "excuse me, you're in my seat and she already has the notes."

Lavender scowled at Hermione but left the table to join her other friends.

"Cress, do you need me to walk you to class?" Harry mimicked Lavender, sending us all into laughter.

Lavender was nice from day one, but her clingyness was also unbearable since day one. I looked around the Great Hall, it was really wonderful to be back, but there was something at the back of mind that I just couldn't shake off, and it was Draco Malfoy.

I caught him staring at me again and I found myself wondering what in the world had been going on in his head the day he stepped into the hospital wing. What was going on in mine? Calling him my friend. Oh, right, I was trying to recall my memories that Lockhart had tried to take. I still needed to tell them how it happened, but there was so much I missed, I figured I had plenty of time to report him.

He definitely regrets his choice. He definitely was just playing with me. I watched as he laughed at Crabbe who was mocking someone sitting at the Gryffindor table. But the past few made me see how similar we were in more ways than I'd imagined and how we could get along. Draco's kindness, for one, had been least expected. 

       The first day he'd sat down with me, he'd asked me, "Are you actually joking with me Whitewing? I'd never thought you'd take it this far if you wanted to mess with me," he crossed his arms.

       "Joke? Am I laughing right now?" I frowned. "You're supposed to be my friend, but Harry, Hermione and Ron say otherwise."

       "What did they say about me?"

       "They said that we hated each other and you were nasty, spoiled, and good for everyone else. Oh, and that your father hears about everything," I listed, watching his face twist into a somewhat of an angry expression.

       He studied my face for a moment before replying, "Well, I'm going to prove them wrong then," he smirked. And he did.

       While Harry, Hermione and Ron constantly mentioned bad thing about Draco to me, Draco didn't spend his time with me bad-mouthing them. I found it weird. We talked about classes and our interests. The more time I spent with him, the more conflicted I got between the trio and him. I remember it as clear as day, even after I recovered my memories.

"So, how was your week as Malfoy's best friend? Let me tell you, he jumped on the chance faster than Snape taking points from us," Ron asked, pulling me from my thoughts. 

"He was nice, I guess. As friendly as a Malfoy can get with a Gryffindor," I shrugged, not sure if I wanted to tell them everything. They would definitely judge and disapprove of the truth. The truth that my perspective of him had changed.

"That was all just an act so he could rub it in our faces. Are you going to keep on being friends with him?" Harry emphasized 'friends'.

Draco had not once brought up our past shenanigans and fights when we spent the time together. It almost seemed like he was scared I would eventually find out and get mad at him, but Harry was right. Could I really trust a Malfoy after my parents raised me to despise them? "Well..I guess it all depends on him," I replied, knowing it wasn't the answer any of them wanted to hear. Saying no, however, wasn't the answer I, myself, wanted to hear either,

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