32- Days Of Fun

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Caitlin's swimsuit is above ^^
Sorry it takes me ages to update 😔 I have so much homework and I'm really busy but I'm trying to update as much as I can. ❤️
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Today was the day that me and hayes got to hang out at the beach with our new friends from school, Luke and Ashton were meeting us all at lagoon cafe for lunch then we would go to the beach. Being the only girl going cameron was really protective, I had to wear clothes in the water. Like hello I'm going to look like an idiot with clothes on when I have a bikini on under neath.

I put my phone into my shorts pocket and put on my black vans, I quickly ran downstairs and grabbed an apple to put it into my bag for later. It was going to be really awkward if we go swimming.

I shifted in the car seat uncomfortable as I was squished in between Luke and Ashton, we just left the beach and I'm in my bathers and all the boys have no tops on.

Cameron is dropping us off at shops and he gave me our parents card so I can buy things, mostly clothes, winter was approaching and all I have is summer clothes so I need to buy winter clothes.

We went though all the aisles and I picked out a lot of stuff I could hardly carry my 4 bags and all the boys where at least holding two of my bags each. I took a picture and since I haven't been on Instagram for months I snapped a pic and posted it, "spent so much today 😱 thanks @ashton.hemmings , @luke.hemmings and @hayes.grier for carrying around my bags 😘😜"

I started scrolling though all my feed 2000 Dms, 1.5million notifications 800,000 tags woah I really was gone for a long time, I opened my first dm and read it
Luv you till the end. Please please Come to maka beach in 2 weeks I'm staying there and it would be a dream to meet you
-Natalie Parker // sent 2 weeks ago from Australia"

"Anyone wanna go for a hike to maka beach?." Everyone smiles and nodded and we bought some bottles of water and a trolley so if we get tired we can sit in them and left the bags in Cameron's car and started walking. Off on the adventure ahead

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