Chapter 18- shopping time!

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"Caitlin!, caitlin!!" I jolted up from bed and felt tears streaming down my eyes and saw Nash standing there and started freaking out "where's cameron?! Tell me where he is!!!!" I jumped out of bed and ran to his room and saw his sleeping and jumped on his bed. "Thank god!" Nash stood in the door confused and cameron looked at me from the bed confused and mad.
"What do you mean thank god?" Nash and cameron said at the same time and I patted the bed for them to come and sit down they both did and I told them everything.

"Ok I had a dream where someone came into our hotel and... And I heard a shot gun go off and I heard someone say hide the body's and it sounded exactly like dads voice and then I heard a second gun shot and then the elevator went off and I heard foot steps my outside the hotel. And then and then I walked out my door and and cameron you you where laying on the ground with a pool of blood and and nash and hayes where laughing" I said and started crying and cameron hugged me.

"It was just a bad dream it's 2am, you can stay here with me but go to sleep ok?" I nodded and layed down with cameron and sleep took over my body again

-Cameron's pov-
I woke up and caitlin was shaking, she must have been cold. I got up and put the heater on and got changed into a red and blue plaid shirt and black skinny jeans.

I heard a loud beeping noise and I saw caitlin wide awake on her phone "but you where just asleep, wow this is confusing" I said and caitlin just laughed.

-Caitlin's pov-
I haven't slept at all, I wonder if he noticed , I take it he didn't seeing as he thought I was asleep.

There was a knock on the door and cameron answered and I didn't see who it was but cameron came back with 4 envelopes each labeled differently


I grabbed mine out of Cameron's hand and started to open it and over $5000 dropped into my lap, holy crap what was this from.

"Shopping time!!!" I heard Nash and cameron both scream and I laughed.
"Let's go!!!" I screamed and ran down to the elevator with my phone and money. "Shouldn't we get hayes" nash said out of breath. I shrugged "if you wanna" and got in the elevator with cameron.

Me, Nash, Cameron and Hayes all walked though the doors of the shops and girls started running over. Our body guards huddled around us making everyone move out of the way. I saw aero in the corner of my eye and squeezed my way away from everyone and in to shop.

I quickly brought stuff and saw cameron running his though is hands and I laughed "where the hell is she?!! I just lost my bloody sister!! No it's not ok!!!!" I heard cameron scream from a distance catching lances from afar.
I walked over "cameron I'm ok. Im right here" I smiled and then got into the car.


Sorry for such a short chapter ⚡️

And omg thank god Cameron's ok.

Did you think cameron was dead?

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