27 - New ideas

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Omg! 13.4k 😍❤️

Im sorry to everyone who says that my grammar and spelling is really bad but I'm only just turning 14 in a few weeks so I'm sorry about my grammar


We drove past many different places and they where all beautiful. We still hadn't reached the city but we were just about to I looked out the window and saw the large ancient buildings fly by and we got off the free way and drove into the city entrance, There were tall buildings surrounding us as the car drive though the streets.

Small shops on the side rushed past us as the car came to a stop. "we're at the hotel now" Cameron said. I looked around and the hotel did look very fancy. It was called Crown, crown towers. We got out of the car and immediately a guy came over and took the keys and drove away to the car park which was under the hotel.

We went into the hotel and went to the front desk to collect the room keys. We grabbed the keys and went up the stairs to get to our rooms, Just like at home I stayed with Hayes and both Nash and Cameron had a room to themselves.

I put my suitcase under my bed and looked at the time. Only 9:00am it's going to take some time to get used to the time difference. I grabbed my phone and head phones and put my sneakers on. I walked out the hotel room and my body guards followed me.

I sighed and put my head phones in to my ears and listened to ready or not Bridgit Mendler... I wonder what it would be like if cameron and I never became famous?...

-Flash back to 1 year ago the day before they were famous-

"Cameron!. Cameron stop" I says in between laughs as cameron tickles me
"Okay, Okay let's go to Starbucks. We need to get some caffeine in you" cameron said laughing.

I got off the floor and threw Cameron's car keys at him. I grabbed my iphone 5 off the table and ran to Cameron's Car and we drove to Starbucks. We got out of the Car and walked into the store and ordered our drinks and drove home.

-End of flashback-

I remember the that exact day. It was the day before our life changed completely, we would go to Starbucks and not have to worry about thousands of girls coming up to us and we didn't have to deal with any hate at all. Now we can't even call an old friend with out everyone in the world knowing but that was our choice to make.

I went back into the hotel room after doing all that thinking. I turned the music loud and sat on the double bed and listened to the song I write when I was 12 and then an idea hit me like a rock. I grabbed the small guitar with I brought in my suitcase and played it write down various lyrics.


Hope you like this chapter ❤️❤️

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